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Posts posted by Pk-hair

  1. xxy, I been the same for almost 4 years no more shedding. My hair is thin, not complete scalp on the crown. So its possible that grow more cause I am using rogaine foam. My second day and how soon you think for results to show????

    Procar? I can ask my doctor?? Thanks


    Originally posted by xxy:

    Aim for preventing more loss, but if you're lucky it'll grow more.


    See if you can get some Proscar and cut it into 1/4s, it's the same stuff, but higher doses.

  2. Not open about it cause it's a still a very sensitive part in my life that I havent able to deal with yet or at least I THOUGHT I did til I get joked on. Me coming on this site is still a secret to my girlfriend of almost 8 years. It's still embarrassing to a certain point with her though cause I am able to get her to get me my rogaine and talk lil truth about my hurts that I feel about my hair. I guess I want her to see that I am still that very confident guy. So its hard with her, so it's top secret with others. Yesterday I picked up my propecia at the pharmacy and my girlfriend wanted to get a opinion on it with her friend cause she is a pharmacist. She wants to know if my health care is good and why it doesn't cover propecia. I also picked up a Econezole cream and it paid for that, but I THOUGHT SHE WOULD KEEP MY THIN HAIR MEDICINE (propecia)out. MAN!! she called me out to her girlfriend. I did not hear NOTHING TIL I HEARD HER FRIEND SAID, IS HE BALDING????!!!!! ON THE PHONE. I TRIED TO STAY CALM AND WAIT TIL SHE GOT OFF THE PHONE. I asked her What the Hell!! Did you not know she is a Pharmacist and that she went to school for 7 years for it. HER ANSWER: I thought she did know, stuped answer!!! She said its ok!! Your like her brother, still I don't want her to know. Lets just hope I don't feel weird around her icon_rolleyes.gif


    I just hope she forgets cause her friend was packing for a week to Puerto Rico,so please have fun and forget.

  3. Nothing really really bad, just me thinking about what is in people's heads. I wear my hat alot and when I have to take it off for some reason like at a family gathering or in a middle of a crowd. Even that just makes me want to cry icon_frown.gif. I don't want it to be worst, so its like I have to scan ahead all the time to avoid a might happen accidents. Like making sure my hair is short enough, so it will blend in with the thin spot. All this worrying before I go out the house cause afraid of some how my hat comes off my head. That Sucks!!

  4. I feel the same. I was happy that I got a doctor's permission to get propecia and all I had to to do was take it to Giant Pharmacy, a walking distance. I went there and saw a girl my age and got scared, so I went to another store and got a lady that was not gonna get me scared or nervous. The doctor wrote me a prescription for 3 months and she told me that I should try 1 month cause it's very expensive. I got nervous cause the line was starting to fill up,so I said ok. Insurance don't cover propecia, she said out loud. I hurried and threw her the card and I said here take it. I paid $85, not knowing til I got in my car cause the lady piss me off yesterday. Damn!!

  5. I took it for the first time before going to bed and I guess it's to early to know, but I woke up with a boner. No prob in this, but did felt a lil weird when going to bed. If someone says the word and maybe I can pin point it. I took it again this morning and let see how it goes.

  6. The most embarrassing was when getting a haircut and the lady was telling me what I should do. Trying to get me to by some shampoo that she has in the salon. What bothered me that she said....Your still young and you need to take care of this if I am looking to get married. Old asian woman are cruel. I just wanted to ask for her green card right there and call INS.

  7. Ron,

    I just turn 29, no meds. I don't even know or remember my NW leval, lack of information is my reasons and money of course. When I made those comments to her was towards my cousins and I guess it was my thought to show my cousins that I still got it and she happens to be only one there to hear it. Pretty much I was thinking tooo loud.

    Thanks for waking me up, she is great. She was with me when I had thick and thin hair for almost 8 years. Damn!! Ron, you made see it another way. Thanks and good way icon_smile.gif


    Originally posted by Ron J:


    NW level?


    If it bothers you this much, have you looked into getting a ht? I didn't read one mention of ht's in your post (?)

    Originally posted by Pk-hair:

    My girlfriend defended me, but still it's not fair. That night I was not happy with myself,so to make me feel better I would tell my girlfriend that I can get that girl or that girl if I wanted to and she was looking at me like I was crazy.

    Your girlfriend sounds top notch. I understand your insecurity over the issue, but acting in this way to compensate only makes YOUR feelings of inadequacy transparent to her. It sounds as though your hair loss is not an issue to her and she's happy w/you for who you are. If a girlfriend used her insecurity about her breast size to continually point out to me which men she could get, not only would I think her actions were selfish and juvenile, but I wouldn't keep her as a girlfriend for very long. I'd be careful w/your attitude or you might have to deal w/another loss in addition to hair.

  8. Thanks for listening Clint,

    Money,technology and informaion??? I am suppose to see a Dermatologist soon and don't know the cause or at least I thought it was a Dietry Supplement (Hydroxycut) that I have been taking for 3 years.I stop taking this about almost 6 years ago once I notice about it. I took it at 19-20, til I was 23 years old and then stopped. Went to see Hair Club cause I panic and went with the commerical I saw. They gave me EXT ($1,500 6mths supply) cause I still had alot of hair at the time and hair was still falling even worse. I got some Shinmin from GNC when my supply gone and it worked some. To cut my sad story short, I got tired of taking pills, going broke and not seeing much changes...I just stopped and let nature do it. I just turn 29, I still get carded once in a while or maybe cause I have my hat on or shave head. At 29, my hair has stop shedding 3 or almost 4 years now. So I guess thats it for shedding. She knows that it gets me when it comes to my hair and shes trying her best helping me. She knows how I carried myself and that I use to show up at the clubs with 8 girls before I met her. I never had to brag or talk about it before,so she knew that the comment that my cousins made to me hurts. Help me God!!



    Originally posted by Clint69:


    I feel for ya man. Many of us have been there at one time or another. I have to ask, is there something preventing you from getting and HT? Are you on meds? Whatever the reason, just hang in there and your situation will improve. I would suggest that you refrain from comments to your girlfriend though. Letting her know that you can have this girl or that girl is a definate sign of insecurity and she will pick up on that. Don't let your insecurity drive her away. Get into a solution and remember that god will never give you more than you can handle. Clint

  9. Thanks wantego,

    Thanks for listening. I never had to try so hard to make myself look good. I been reading here alot and I took some advices to go to the gym. My girlfriend of almost 8 years is a beautiful person. She supports me on my losses, but its like your mom will say anything to make you happy. I know some girls like shave heads and I do like it too, but I like to see the barbar sometimes. I want to have the freedom to go with both looks cause I can and not cause this is the only way to make myself look better. I ask my girl, I guess to help me except my shave head...Do you like me better shave or hair. She say "You look good, but I prefer you to grow it out. I am thinking to myself that I don't want to have a noticable PALM size thin spot showing and I don't know why some guys embarass themselves more by having little hairs that they have and leave it here and there. I decided to shave my head about 3 years ago and I do miss being able to gel it. I guess it felt good for a second when my girlfriend's PRETTY friend made a comment on her myspace picture asking her whos that cute guy on right of her. It made me thinking all weird that maybe I do look good, but my confidents is not fully there. Growing up, we always joked on each other and I just don't have a good enough comeback. I was always the guy that say things that people usually don't come with and make everyone think....where this guy get his jokes to say what he say. I just say it and it comes out making everyone laugh. I feel my situation makes me weak like Kriptanite was supermans weakness and it SUCKS how this can almost kill you slowly. Don't worry guys not gonna be sucidal icon_wink.gif. My girl has made it clear that to them that this is a sensitive subject and they kinda laugh it off. I guess they know cause it did stop or maybe I havent been around them much to joke. To be honest, I am jealous of my cousins cause of there hair and not of their OK looks. They don't want to be in my shoes cause their life would suck more cause with their OK looks with thin hair. Right now their OK looks and positive confidents works. I say alot of times....Why me!! Why me!! out all my family me!!!!! I don't wish this upon anybody and to make it better I think of worse problems that people have to comfort me with my issue. So Bless you all with similar crisis and people that don't have it....Lucky you!!! Thanks for listening again.




    Originally posted by wantego:

    Thanks for such a great post. Most people on this board will understand how you feel. It is great that you stay in shape and keep the "GQ" look. There are a lot of guys that shave their heads that women find very attractive. It sounds like your lady is great so please do not take her for granted in any way. Talking about you being able to get other ladies probably made her look at you that way for a reason. As far as your family goes I'm sure they do not mean to hurt you but I agree jokes from people you care about hurt much more. Could you tell a family member you trust how much it hurts you and maybe that family member in private can let people know some things are not cool? I hope you feel better about things soon. I'm glad you have a lady and family you care about. icon_smile.gif

  10. Hey everyone,


    I know it sucks alot.I hate how hair can mean so much to a person. I am glad that I have a supporting girlfriend, but still can effect you... how you live your life. I've seen really bad MPB, I feel their pain and mine not bad. I live my life behind hats and beanies. I just wish that I can go anywhere or survive 30 minutes without a hat, but I feel I can't. I just caught myself staring at young or middle age guys going bald while working out at the gym. I feel that alot of important ME went with the hairs. I try not to think about it and just keep shaving the head and no one will know. I havent been on this site like I used to cause I just didn't want my life to be all about hair. When I first found this site, I was hooked and seeing that it was very important for me to get what I've losted. I am not those guys...who let themselves go cause they got a girl. I always gotta look GQ when I am out and show her or myself that I am the same confident guy that she met.It's just hard try to absorb all this when you never had to worry about this problem. I never had to fake about looking my best and thats what bothers me sooooo much. Having to try so hard to look good or feel great about yourself cause I never had to.


    One day out with my cousins and they would say some stuff about it. One cousin was telling my girlfriend about how his girlfriend of 10 years left him and he had to add that he was balding like me. My girlfriend defended me, but still it's not fair. That night I was not happy with myself,so to make me feel better I would tell my girlfriend that I can get that girl or that girl if I wanted to and she was looking at me like I was crazy. I just dont like my issue with my hair controls me. WHAT BOTHERS ME IS THAT I HAVE NO ONE IN MY FAMILY OF 17 KIDS WITH MPB. Dad,80 bothers,36-60. I don't understand !!!! At least one brother or cousins. I don't know suppose to see a Derm soon. I guess thats why I don't hang out with my cousins like I want to. It hurts 10 times more when someone you love makes a hair joke. I don't want to wish it on them, but at least be sensitive about it.I know... I should tell them, but commom sense and plus I guess I don't want them to know it hurts. It's like you can't have a good comeback cause its like a wind got knocked out of you.I know it's not end of the world,but just letting my problems out. There you have it guys and thanks for listening. I couldn't sleep and since I don't feel like talking about it to my girlfriend. Thanks

  11. hey guys,


    Before you guys tell me that I should get on this and that, please understand that I have not been taking nothing for the past 3 years. This is how my my hair is and has not changed. What I am trying to figure out is what I have is MPB cause I was told none in the family are bald and whats the next step for me? Thanks guys

  12. I miss having hair sometimes especially just to say I have hair.

    Originally posted by flyby:

    Hi PK,



    I think you're doing the right thing by just going with the buzzed look. Looks like you've got a nice shaped melon so you probably look good with it.

  13. flyby,

    My hair hasn't change for 3 years, its been like this. I was using EXT like 5 years ago til its gone. I used something called shinmin (DHT) at GNC, I just got broke buying all this stuff. I just let whatever happens and my hair has been like this and has not changed since been not taking anything. I did see improvements come and go when using shinmin, just got tired of worrying about my hair.

  14. When I started loosing my hair, I went to Hair Club and at the time I had alot of hair. They recommend EXT (6 month supply), I still kept loosing hair. The pictures, you see now has been like this for 3 years now and no more shedding. My concern is that I see like black dots on my scalp (pores)? Help

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