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Posts posted by bald28

  1. Hi All,


    I'm day 6 post OP and will be able to shampoo normally from day 10.

    Which day to day shampoo do you guys use and why?


    Before my HT I used my GF's shampoo (whatever it was at the time) but need to get something that could help with my thinning crown that wasn't addressed by HT as well as helping with both donor area and grafted area.


    Finally, I'd be trying Nizoral once or twice a week but I'm unsure how long after HT I can start on this.


    Thanks in advance and have a great day,



  2. Hi All,


    I underwent a HT with Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich on 5/01/12 and so far so good.

    No pain during or after HT so far, only a bit of discomfort but nothing you can't deal with.


    I would like to say that Dr. Path and his team are terrific - Friendly, knowledgeable and very professional - What else can you ask for ? I highly recommend them.


    I am a Norwood 6 and only the top of my scalp was addressed - The crown area remained untounched as I think I can live with it. At this stage I haven't decided (nor discussed) if there will be a HT#2, I keep my options open.


    I received 4163 grafts / 11515 hairs

    # 1 hair grafts: 296

    # 2 or 3 hair grafts: 3091

    # 4 to 5 hair grafts: 776


    Today I'm on day 6 post op and had the stitches removed which feels great. Looking fwd to being able to shampoo normally in a few days.


    Last but not least, I would like to thank all the founders and all the members of this forum for sharing experiences and knowledge which I have greatly benefited from.






    PS: Will create a blog so that you can follow the HT progress.

  3. Dear all,


    First of all, thanks for reading this topic.


    I'm currently on day 3 post op.

    My stitches will be removed on day 6 and scabs should have fallen off around day 20.


    I have a few questions about post op and haircut.


    Please direct me to another thread if that has already been discussed (I have searched without success)


    1- Once both stitches and scabs are gone, when can your head be shaved? (Buzz cut)... What precautions should you take? Can you get a friend to do it or should you go to see a professional?


    2 - After the haircut can a bandage be put on the donor scar? Will that interfere with healing? if not possible I'm fine having the donor scar showing anyway but for work purposes i'd rather not have it exposed too much.


    3 - What product have you used to help donor scar to heal?


    4 - How often can you shave the grafted area? Is it better to let it grow or can you shave it let's say every couple of weeks?


    5 - Any recommendations, tips about shaving both donor area and grafted area?


    Obviously I'll let my hair grow longer in a few months and hopefully enjoy my new hair but for the early stage I thought it might be easier to just have it as short as possible.


    Thanks in advance for your feedback.

  4. Hi All,


    I had HT last Thursday with Dr Path in Bangkok (Dr Path and his staff were tremendous btw and I'll create a thread so that you can follow the progress of my HT in the coming days).


    I just had questions about shampoing both donor and recipient area.


    Except for the one performed by Dr Path and his staff the day after the surgery I still haven't shampooed my hair and I'm scared to do it to be honest.


    Is there any issue with not doing it for a few days (I'm tempted to wait till Wednesday when the stitches will be taken out)?

    Are there clear benefits of shampooing daily?


    So far I have only observed a small dot of blood in the donor area.


    Thanks in advance for your help,

  5. Hi all,


    First of all, apologies if this topic has already been discussed.

    Please redirect me to the relevant thread if this is the case.


    I'm nearly 30 but I've already lost a lot of hair, thinning from front to crown.

    Recently I have contacted Dr Pathomvanich who asked me to start taking propecia* ( if I do not have side effect from it) and also apply minoxidil lotion 5% to the thinning area twice a day and wait 6 months and then resend your pictures again.


    I live in Australia and wanted to know where these products can be purchased?

    Also I'll be happy to hear about the side effects you guys might have suffered from.


    I hope to have HT done in early 2012 and will be posting pictures pre op (before and after medication) and post op.


    Thanks everyone for this forum,



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