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Everything posted by ju5tin

  1. No man never had dreads before. Im trying to live healthier, I know it wont grow me hair but Ive let my body drift and just plodded along leaving my hair without taking care and treating it right.....maybe by changing habits I can get back on track, if not I'll shave it short and get a little thinner round the middle at the same time...If its not necessarily genetic then maybe the way I treated it might be the reason. Anyhoo Im gonna be good to myself and if the result is ok then cool..if not then so be it. J
  2. Well its for the drreads Im doing this otherwise its clipper time. As for the girlfriend, its not that much of an issue, she just prefers me with hair and I cant blame her, Im not ditching her after 5 years and its not like that. But here goes for some gasping time....I woke up this morning having read some replies here and elsewhere and realised I have more than just probably been the architect of my own problems....get this for thinking back. I realised I havent washed my hair more than 10 times in the last 30 years, I dont dry it, I rub it with a towel until its dry and up to last year I used stiff styling wax and hairspray on it.....hahaha its almost laughable to wonder why my hair is thinning. So here goes, I dont know if its reversible but im using Lush Veganese shampoo daily now whilst massaging my scalp for 15-20 minutes. Im gonna dry with a dryer and avoid wearing hats as much as possible. I have an inch and a half to grow before dreads are a possibilyt so this might be a few months worth of trying out a new regime, Gonna go for diet change too, drinking milk, water each day, orange juice and stuff as Im aiming to lose weight too so going healthier. I heard sessame seeds and sunflower seeds are rich in stuff needed to promote hair growth so im gonna invest in some of that too. Ok here I go, will keep y'all updated. Its this or bust so it may be just getting acquainted with the old clippers again but lets hope not.......J
  3. Thank you. I am looking into possibilities, Also cost as I am not working at present due to long term illness. I cant find ball park figures on the net. But am curious as to what treatment might cost...I know that is a question that could hinge on many different variables but hey...you gotta ask. J
  4. Hi, Well I never knew my grandfather but recall as a toddler and through pictures that he was totally bald. It isnt the light, it really is like this, even visible when its short. The receding is more so on one side than the other too. Not symmetrical. The back is pretty thick but the peak at the front is fluffy and difficult to do anything with. The sides are both as bad as each other and look worse the longer my hair is. Ive dyed my hair alot in the past and been on various meds for different reasons over the past 6 years. I just presumed it was my lot due to genetics on my mothers side.
  5. My Gp called it male pattern balding, As my mothers father was completely bald, I presumed it was my fate too. I presume HT doctor is a doctor who specialises in hair treatment? Cheers J
  6. Hi guys/girls....Just joined and I guess just hoping for some advice. I am 40 and at a point where my hair is an issue. I shave it all off but have let it grow due to my girlfriends dislike of it short and have decided to have a go at growing dreadlocks before I get too old. It may sound odd but its a life choice and I need to know if its possible. Im also looking for costs and procedures for treatments. I looked at the chart and I didnt fit any particular scaling. I have receding thin hair and its badly visible on the sides the longer it gets. It looks thicker the shorter it is. So heres some pics, hope some advice is on the horizon...good to be aboard. J
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