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Posts posted by gabrieljose43

  1. oh shoot, i already saw your progress site yesterday and I forgot . Very nice results by the way. I feel like Big FUE procedures are so uncommon that I feel like an experimental Guiney pig... You are proof that Big FUE procedures can be succesfull with the right doctor. If everything goes well with me, maybe the dispute about the fissability of FUE megasessions can be put to rest. I will post results in a couple of months.

  2. Julian, am not an expert o hair transplants, but I have done my research. By the picture your grafts do look too spread out on the back, but yet you have only 2900 graft for a lage area of coverage. I can not tell if the hair you have closer to your forhead has been implanted or not because I dont see any scabs, but if it has, I know at least the front looks nice and full to me. The middle I think might be a little noticeble. How about having someone helping you do a count at home? and take a reallly high res picture of your scalp, just incase you need to dispute it against the doctor in a later time. It looks like 2900 to me, if your take in consideration the density on the front. I would say the a second procedure is needed, but once ;your hair grows it will be less noticeble. If your procedure went well with this riskI would not risk it and change to someone new.

  3. Levrais, my procedure was done in two days of 8hrs session each. I know that my doctor had an special device he created to make the extraction faster. It was like a dentist drill, and he was very fast when removing. The rest was done by his nurses, where there were 3 nurses workiing on removal and implantation of the follicles. So I considered fast for the amount of work.


    Sean, can you tell me how many grafts did u get? and how was it done?


    and MattJ thanks for the advice...am taking your word for it, and definately wait and see later.

  4. TC17. I still think FUE is better then FUT and this is why (Also was the decision maker between the two for me). I was worried that if I have a FUT transplant and my hair does not take, I was going to be left with a scar, and unable too shave my head like many people do when experiencing hair loss. With FUE, if the follicles do not take I was going to be left with many tiny white dots all over the place, but still better than a scar from ear to ear in my opinion. You also made a point that there should not be done because Physicians do not know how the patient will heal, but that really goes true for both procedures. My problem is not that I wont be able to look ok on the back, it is that I want to use very short hair in the back and even do its early to tell, i think it will b noticable without concealer.

  5. Hello everyone, I had a 5000 fue transplant two and a half weeks ago, and I have noticed that the donor area looks extreemely thin and noticeble. While is getting much better as time goes by, I do not think when it heals it will ever look the same. My donor area is pink, bright due to inflamation, and shini. I have been told by some that is ok, but some people tell me is not. Now, I have never used my hair long on the sides and I do not plan to start now. Can anyone tell me the best concieler (the black pait that covers up thin hair)..I would like one that stays on the scalp for long, kind of like a dye that is hard to rub off. Thanks.

    And question two: after transplant my recepient area grew considerably, more than 1/8 of an inch, but now it has shed. If your tranplanted hair grows a lot before it sheds, does it mean that the new follicles survived and will regrow after shedding? Thanks in advance.

  6. hello again Kanav. I have received your request for info about the Dr. Prabdeep Sohi. Ok this is what I know. When I decided on srgery with him, I searched for fue on google and he was one of the websites that he came up on. I saw the posted pictures of patients treated, I saw that the backgrounds on the picture were from his clinic, so I concluded that it was obvioulsy his procedures. Another thing that made me decide on him was the famous Punjabi actors and singers that he had treated. I double checked that it was true by looking at his facebook page where he had pictures posing with them on his clinic. A third thing was all the periodical articles written about him and his succes with his clinic( I saw about six articles dedicated to him). There were a bunch. When I finally met him, I noticed that his clinic was clean and modern. He also had a huge amount of staff working for him, including five nurses, a receptionist, a security doorguy and even a personal driver. By the looks of it, I concluded succes in his line of work, and I was right. It looked like a very busy clinic with patients coming back for check ups and everyday I was there he had people he was operating on. Dr. Sohi is a very humble man, wich made me feel very comfortable. He was also not a talker....he went stratight to business after seeing me not trying to sell himself. The procedure was fast and I found out why later reading another article about him. He patented a Fue device that I did not get to see in the clinic but felt it on my scalp. It felt like a dentists drill that he pushes in your head to remove grafts. It was so fast I like a staple gun. I also felt that the staff was very well trained. They all knew exactly what to do and when, making things even faster. My grafts have already grown considerably in this 2 and a half weeks, so I would definately recomend him. Be prepared for swelling on your head do. I didnt know about it and ended up looking like the elephant man while traveling in the airport. That is probably the only negative thing I can say about the procedure. I was not prepared for the amount of swealling I went trhough, and I was not told. Other thatn that, do it man. Am so happy with my decision. Oh and the nurses where hot, specially the one that worked on me. Thats always a plus.

  7. There will always be skeptisism and opposition against change, specially with FUE and its potential to revolutionize the industry. FUE will put a strain on surgeons due to time involvement, greater skiill level, and the amount of training they will have to go trhough to get accustomed to the new procedure, but that is why we have a choice on the kind of procedure we want to undergo. I think is illogical when people say that FuE is meant for "small jobs", since it works for 1000 grafts why wouldnt it work for 4000? I have seen many results with extensive hair restoration procedures using FUE. Sorry to hear that you had some bad procedures, and i could not imagine the dissapointment you had to go through. In my case, all my implanted hair has already grown considerably during this two weeks and I take that as a good sign. Best of luck on your repair work, and you can email me if you want to try my surgeon.

  8. I just had a 5000 FUE transplant two weeks ago, and depending on the amount of follicles taken out is the amount of trauma to your scalp. Obviously in mine, My scalp still looks really irritated and red because so many follicles were removed and they were close together. In other cases, with 3000 or less fue procedures, if the donor area is spread out, I have read that the helaling is very fast. A big fue procedure might be less invasive, but is no casual thing for your scalp. Its a lot of stress on the area, and a lot of healing.

  9. Hi Kanav, sorry I took to long to answer. Here am posting a couple more pictures of my results with Dr. Prabdeep Sohi. I would encourage you to go because of the experience that he has with the FUE procedure. My hair implants are all angled the way that hair grows and looks natural. Another thing is that the hairs are so close together, that now that it has grown a little, my scalp looks full and dark.

    After you got a transplant your confidence goes up, like in my case, even do I wear a hat everywhere I go still because am still healing. If you have to travel overseas to get to India, let me know. I have some helpful tips that willl make your travel a little easier. I found some stuff the hard way. Good luck.



  10. For anyone intersted in Dr. Sohi. I went to the Clinic in India, and I found him and the staff to be very knowledgeable at what they do. They are patient and very atentive, and also very busy, so if someone decides with him, better call well ahead for an appointment. My surgery took two days. On the first they took care of the front part where I had the most severe hair loss. They packed the hair very densely. On the second day they did the back, not as dense as the front, for a total of 5000 FUE grafts. It is a pain to get from Florida to India, but choosing him as a doctor, was as important decision as getting the hair transplant. I am so happy with the results so far.



  11. Hi Karlouk,


    I have changed the date to the 27th and 28th of September due to a delay of my visa. I'll be sure to contact you with information about the experience with Dr. Sohi. I do not really know how to get someone's e-mail here, but eitherway, I will be posting my progress here. Good luck.

  12. I had been taken generic proscar for a 2 years now, from different suppliers (usually canadian pharmacies). In the beginning I saw a little growth, but it eventually faded to the point that I was just taking it for safety sakes. I always bought generics since they were cheaper, but in my last order I got propecia. The difference is noticable. I am actually seeing improvement...and could not put the two together until I read this thread. Now it all makes sense.

  13. Thanks for the replies. After reading about your posting of the tri closure, I did a little bit of research, looked at some pics of that technique, and I have decided to go with FUT. I can say that the tri closure look very impresive. I am going to have the presidure done with Dr. Alba Reyes in Dominican Republic. I have spoken to her today and told me that the scar would not be visible with a cut with a number 2 attachement. I have seen her work, and viewed her website, and It is impressive. I feel in good hands with her, but I know the scar visibility mainly depends on the doctor and a person's abilty to heal right. Will start a blog, so people see the results. Thanks again guys.

  14. Am 30 years old and almost to the point of shaving my whole head, even do my head shape looks like the pointy end of a mango...so I can not carry that look very well. The way I see it is that I definately not want to have the linear scar done with fut...since I have fine hair and use short hair since I was in high school. It is just my look. So I have no option except FUE. After a nasty divorce that left me in debt, I can not afford the current FUE pricing. I am thinking of having the procidure done with them, and if it goes bad, well....I still can shave my head since I wont have a massive scar from strip. I just want to look like I was and I do not have to go through my 30s bold because am broke....Thanks for the respose.

  15. I have been looking all over the net for patient testimonials of this Website (Link removed by moderator). I know the doctor is well known for his lap band surgeries, but I havent seen anything at all about his hair transplant procedures, even do he is been in business since 2008, and seems to try to cater to American clients. If anyone has any info...good or bad I would love to read it.

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