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Everything posted by Mike73

  1. Thanks! I'm surprised he's not really reviewed here as he's right up there when you search for HT surgeons in Toronto and seems to have been for quite a while and must've done tons of surgeries. His list of achievements is pretty amazing..! What I like so far is that he's pretty much over delivered his promises so far. So, feeling very optimistic about everything, but of course at the end of the day only the end result will matter. I'll keep everyone posted..!
  2. Hi everyone Today is my 6th day after my HT surgery and I was wondering what a safe time of starting to use a hair gel would be? I never went completely bald on the top of my head and I was able to comb the hair forward and lift the hair in the front up to create an illusion of more hair. Now, I can't wait for the scabs to fall off and be able to go back to the way I used to be - and cover the redness with my existing hair. My concern obviously is - would hair gel be harmful for the scalp area, the grafts and the existing hair? Could I experience more hair loss than normal due to the fact that my existing hair is under stress? Any thoughts / experiences welcome. Thanks!
  3. Day 4 update: I'm positively shocked! The grafts have started growing hair and I feel an even stubble across my recipient area. Sadly, I'm fully aware that I will lose everything until it starts re-growing back in few months, but at least I feel good knowing the roots are working. My paranoid mind plays tricks on me and I had moments when I worried I might be one of the few cases with no change whatsoever after spending a small fortune..! My hair tends to grow quite a bit faster than average person's anyways so perhaps I will see results early. Or maybe not..? I'm just trying not to overthink the issue and be patient, but I'm sure anyone who has done a HT surgery knows how I feel.. I just can't wait to see the final result..!
  4. Here's a picture of me before the surgery and a day after.
  5. I would like to share my hair transplant story. I had a surgery done few days ago and I received around 4,000 grafts, mostly on top of my head. Some hair were implanted towards the back of my head as well as I'm also developing a bald spot over there. But the receding hairline and the thinning on the top was my major concern at this point. The initial consultation was around a month ago and the fact that Dr. Cotterill was able to see me on a weekend made things easier - my fiancee wanted to attend the session with me. I found Dr. Cotterill very pleasant and informative and I felt comfortable proceeding with him. I had a consultation with another company earlier and I did not like their sales person. It seemed like his agenda was talking about himself a little bit too much. I was much more comfortable meeting with an actual doctor who was able to give expert opinion and recommendations on the spot. After we got back home, the decision was more or less made and we picked Dr. Cotterill. The surgery itself was rather easy. I did require quite a bit of freezing not to feel anything but other than that minor injection pain, I did not feel much at all during the operation. I was basically watching movies the entire time, which was 7 hours. I got Valium and some other medication that I forgot to calm my nerves. I expected to get around 3,500 grafts so hearing that they went all the way up to 4,000 was a pleasant surprise. After the surgery was done, I headed home - which is fortunately very close. I rested the rest of the day and did need Percocet to keep the pain under control. The day after was much easier, but the donor area was still sore and I split a Percocet pill in half to control the pain. Now, the top of my head feels mostly 'tight' which is not exactly surprising considering the entire top is more or less technically a one giant scab now..! I will post some progress shots and my thoughts. If anyone has any questions, let me know and I'll be more than happy to answer.
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