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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Hi Mattj Thanks for the reply Do you think it will just keep on going? Or will it stay this way for a while and then go? The reason I ask is because this appears to happen to some people? For example actor Jonny Depp had a similar kind of hair line to mine very early on his career when he was young, and still has the same hairline now. Though I imagine he has the money to get every kind of medicine under the sun. .
  2. Hello everyone Hope I have posted this in the right area. Been lurking around the forums for a while, it's a great place. So I thought I would ask a question. I am 23 now, 24 in the summer. For the last 2 or 3 years I have noticed my hairline seems to have been the same. It's not straight it's the sort of hairline that goes in slightly at the sides. I have pretty light coloured hair and it is quite thin, but there is a fair amount of it. On one side of my hairline there seems to be less hair than the other. Is this normal or is this the start of balding? I have quite a big forehead, which gives the impression that my hairline is receded. I asked my doctor about my hair line and he just says that my hairline is just "maturing". I don't know if this means, I am going to loose it all, or that, it's changing to a new shape and will stay that way for now? I would really appreciate knowing what your thoughts are. I am worried. And why is that one side seems thinner than the other? With regards to genetics. My father has lost a lot of hair. However, his father still has hair and my mothers father has a full head. I have attached some pictures. Many thanks
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