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Everything posted by BlueMan23

  1. With the advancements of technology, I'm banking on cloning being available in 20 years! There will HAVE to have been some major advancements in hair loss treatments by then! Let's be optimistic!
  2. Hi, I was wondering if anyone cuts their own hair with clippers after they had a hair transplant? Can you tell me how short you cut the top/sides/back? I was wondering if I will be able to still cut my own hair with clippers of if this would be a bad idea? Any comments are appreciated. Thank You!
  3. Thanks for your advice Doctor. I am trying to do as much research as I can, but there is very little information out there on treatments for Cutis Verticis Gyrata. Do you have any other suggestions, other than a scalp reduction? Thank You for your help.
  4. Thanks for the support! Yep, I'm gonna ask my doctor about scar stretching. I seem to have a very loose scalp, so hopefully this will not be an issue. It is scary nonetheless, but I am trying to stay positive about it.
  5. Exactly Spanker... The grooves are on my crown. You're right though TTP... pulling it tighter will not remove any remaining grooves... that might take a subcision procedure, in which the fibers holding the groove in place are pulled free. The reduction will remove most of the grooves according to my Dr. I just feel kinda like a guinea pig because I can't even find someone who has recently had a scalp reduction done. Thanks for your comments though! I am trying to keep all of my options in mind.
  6. Hi, I know everyone is against scalp reductions, but I have the rare skin condition of Cutis Verticis Gyrata (grooves on scalp--crown area). Has anyone experienced a scalp reduction and can say that they got positive results and minimal scarring from the procedure? I don't have alot of options, and scalp reduction is one of them. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks.
  7. Hi JoeKid I take it you go to a barber? Was it awkward explaining that you needed it cut in a manner in which to keep the scar covered?
  8. Hi, I was wondering if anyone cuts their own hair with clippers after they had a hair transplant? Can you tell me how short you cut the top/sides/back? I was wondering if I will be able to still cut my own hair with clippers of if this would be a bad idea? Any comments are appreciated. Thank You!
  9. Hey thanks for all the input! I think I'll go in planning on 5/8", and then see how it goes. Has anyone used Dermatch or something similar soon after the transplant to hide the redness?
  10. Hi All, Can anyone who has been through a hair transplant please give me some honest input about the donor scar and hair length required to conceal it? I am planning on having a transplant done soon. I have read multiple times that your hair should be 1/2" to conceal the scar. I currently have my hair cut to 1/2" on the sides and 5/8" in the back. I used to keep it as 3/8" at the sides and rear, but I am trying to go a little longer in preparation for what I would need at the transplant stage. It is very tough for me to go too long, because I am so thin on top and so thick on the sides, that the sides willl look "poofy" if they get too long (over 1/2"). I suppose I could make the back a little longer it absolutely necessary, but I would prefer not to go longer than 5/8" or 3/4". It seems that, although the rear hair is cut to 5/8", when I put my head down in a well lit mirror, I can still see some of the skin underneath. Therefore, I'm thinking that a scar might be obvious at certain angles from below. I'm also tall, so people would be looking up at my hair most likely. Can anyone give me an honest opinion of how long I need to be to conceal a scar that the surgeon claims will be about 1mm in width? I'm obvious trying to conceal it from all angles, if possible. Should I plan on having to use Dermatch? Does the scar disappear a little bit over time and maybe I can just deal with it until it fades away a little? Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
  11. Glad to see I'm not alone with the condition. Thank You very much for replying.
  12. Anyone else out there also suffering from grooves in the scalp (Cutis Verticis Gyrata) combined with hair loss? I have the grooves in my crown area and it obviously causes psychological strife on top of the hair loss issue. I am looking to find others who have a similar condition. Thanks.
  13. I have this condition too, with about 5 furrows/grooves on the crown of my head that REALLY psychologically bother me. I have been "dealing with it" for years, but I'm at the stage where I need to do something about it because of my hair thinning. I don't have the time to keep being self-conscious about it! If anyone has any success stories about how they removed their furrows, we would love to hear it. Thank You!
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