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Posts posted by Hairgoesnothing

  1. I am now at the four month mark following my procedure of 5604 grafts with Dr. Rahal. Things are now starting to take shape. The hairs have, for the most part, all started to grow. There are, however, some hairs that are just starting to sprout. While other areas, the grafts are still dormant. But the difference between today (month 4) and my previous post (month 3) is quite apparent. I could not be happier. Things are progressing just the way I was told they would and I am quite optimistic about the final outcome. I have included one pre-op picture to give you a better idea of what was my starting point. Please let me know what you think.









  2. It can be amazing how people often don't consciously recognize that such a drastic change has taken place. I look forward to seeing your updates.


    Yes it is amazing how people don't realize such a big change. They usally just say things like: you look good these days. But I won't complain!

    I will be posting my four month results in the next couple of days. Just have to take some pictures first.



  3. I agree. Its strage, I was a NW 5 and now I have very good density throughout thats to Dr. Rahal (Albeit with a soemwhat thinning crown). Barely anyone has ever commented on it. It shows you how little people really care about hair and how undetecteable a good HT can be. The natutalness of my HT is a TOTAL non issue for me.


    Yea, I've seen your results. You would never be able to tell you had a HT. I was a Norwood VI. And I thought that people would notice that I now have hair. But no one has said anything. And they don't even stare at my hair line or anything. It really looks like nothing was ever done. Can't wait for my second procedure where doc Rahal will be addressing the crown area.

    All the best

  4. Yeah, the fair skin will typically deal with redness a bit longer than normal. Mine last several months after my first procedure. But the more hair you have the more the redness/pinkness will be covered. Once you start growing the redness can actually slightly reduce the color contrast between the scalp and hair - which can actually make it look more dense.


    Thanks for the comment aaron1234. The redness has actually all gone now. The hair growth is really kicking in. I will post my 4 month results in a couple of days. What a difference just one month can have on the amount of growth.



  5. O.K. just out of interest how long before the redness is your recipient area went away?


    I would say it was around month two that the redness started to really fade away. Albeit, there was also a big difference in the amount of redness I had on my head between month one and month two also. I guess the best way to describe it is that it just progressively fades away day by day. Also, I have very fair skin. So this is also a factor to consider in how much redness I have and also how long before it all goes away.

  6. It has now been three months since I underwent my procedure with Dr. Rahal. I am very happy to say that everything is coming along quite well and as expected. The donor area at this point is a non issue and actually looks just like it did before the procedure now that the hair has grown in. I can hardly find the scar (it really is pencil thin). The transplanted hairs are coming in slowly and I think I am right were I am suppose to be at this point. The hairs are very fine and more and more are appearing day by day. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think. I personally have no complaints. All the pictures were taken today excluding the first one which was taken five days post-op.







  7. MGZ,

    I sympathize with your dilemma. I personally debated for many years the same questions that you are debating here now. In the end though, I came to my own answers and decisions that I believed were right for me. But I did not rush any of them. I began investigating what could be done about my hair loss over nine years ago. But did not adopt a pro active approach until three year ago once I was absolutely, positively and unmistakably sure that the decisions that I took were the right ones for me. From what I have read from your comments so far, you seem to be taking all the proper steps necessary in finding solutions to your dilemmas. But the most important step you are taking is not rushing into anything. That is extremely wise on your part. Do not be in a hurry is my personal advice to you. Take all the time that you need and judge necessary to read, research, investigate and talk to as many people as you can about every aspect of the subject. You are still vey young and your thoughts might not be the same tomorrow as they are today. Time is without a doubt on your side. Do take advantage of it; as the old proverb dictates: Good things come to those who wait.

    All the best my friend

  8. Hello Marsi,

    I am Hairgoesnothing and this is my thread (and my pictures) so I think you are asking me a question and not David who is one of the moderators of this site (and also a very knowledgeable fellow when it comes to hair transplant surgery and its industry). So I will go under the pretext that you are addressing your question to me. You asked if some one else’s hair (grafts) can be used in your scalp for a hair transplant surgery. The answer to your question is NO it can not. I am not a doctor nor do I have any type of medical background but I do know that the reason hair transplant surgery works is because the grafts originate from your own body. Hence, your body will not reject the grafts because they are YOUR grafts. I hope this was helpful.



  9. Cant decide,

    Thank you for your positive comments. Dr. Rahal really does incredibly good work. I’ve seen some of your pictures from your posts. Your results look amazing. I’ll do my best to keep you up to date on my progress.

    PS: Dr Rahal explained to me that I would need about 2500-3000 grafts to complete the crown. Hopefully I will be able to undertake this second round before the end of my year one.


    Thanks for your comments also. The scar really is healing well. The shockloss really does not bother me that much because I know it will all grow back, I just have to be patient that’s all. I’ll keep you up date equally.

    Michael5577 and HairToday72,

    Thank you also for your comments.

    Regards everyone,


  10. Well, I am now officially one month post from my 5604 graft hair transplant surgery with Dr. Rahal and I thought I would offer to all of you who are following my progress a brief update. I’m glad to say at this point that things are progressing quite well and in many ways surpass what were my expectations before undergoing the procedure. I am including in this update a few high resolution pictures of my donor area so as to give you all a better idea of just how well things are healing at one month post.


    As you will see from the pictures, I am experiencing some shockloss in certain areas. But as we all know, it is entirely impossible to predict who will suffer from shockloss and to what degree. It should be noted that Dr. Rahal made this point quite clear to me during my two in person consultation before the procedure. I know, however, that this is only temporary and as you can clearly see by the pictures, the hairs that were lost from the initial shock caused by the removal of the donor strip are now slowly starting to grow back at one month post.


    But to the advantage of this blog report, these pictures will allow for a very clear and unobstructed view of how well the donor incision itself is healing. I am personally a bit overwhelmed at how fine and clean the donor scar is at this early point. This is very comforting to see because it tells me that I will certainly be able to sport a short hairstyle once this adventure is over in a year from now. I personally can not offer an unbiased opinion on the quality of Dr. Rahal’s work because, obviously, I am his patient. But I do believe that the pictures speak for themselves. All your opinions are welcomed.









    I hope your 8 nights in Ottawa are wonderful. If you get a chance, you must try to take in a couple of the sites. That is of course, once you are feeling a bit better after your procedure. Also, it does not surprise me to hear that you have received great service from Tara in preparing for your procedure. I found her to be an integral part of Dr. Rahal’s practice and also a professional, compassionate and a very helpful patient coordinator who strives to ensure that your visit to Dr Rahal’s office is as good as it can be.

    All the best,


  12. john2009,


    Glad to hear your getting your stitches out tomorrow. Has it been two weeks already? Wish I was back at the Foxbar with all of you. Thanks for helping make this whole experience wonderful. It was great hanging out with all my new hair transplant buds and just sitting around talking about how terrific our new Rahal hairlines look. Do keep me up to date on your progress please.








    Thank you for your reply. Things are going well with the healing and I really could not be happier with how the whole experience unfolded. I will do my best to keep everyone here on the HTN updated on my progress.


    My regards,



  13. Thank you Cant decide for your words of encouragement.


    I do not know how many grafts I have left in my donor area. I actually never asked. But I do know that I do have very good density, albeit you would never know it from the pictures that I have posted. Dr Rahal did mention that I would need about 2500-3000 grafts more to complete the crown. He also seemed quite confident that this is in fact a number that is possible to obtain. So to answer your question, yes, I do plan to go back, hopefully before the end of my year one to finish the crown.



  14. My 5604 grafts HT with Dr. Rahal (day 18 update)

    I am now 18 days post-op from my hair transplant surgery with Dr. Rahal and I thought I would offer you all an update on my progress. For those who have read my previous post, you are already aware that I was extremely pleased with every aspect of the surgery. I am also happy to report that for the two weeks following the surgery (I remained in Ottawa for this period of time), Dr. Rahal and his team offered me an incredibly high level of post-op care and attention. I was seen on a daily basis by Dr. Rahal and his crew saw to it that my grafts and donor area were properly cleaned and cared for every day. I am now back at home and things are progressing nicely. I could not be happier. I am including in this post a couple of pictures that show my progress (pictures are from day 15). I will do my best to keep you all informed of the improvements over time and of the growth.





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