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Everything posted by momo81

  1. Good point, as a result I have uploaded pics prior to my first treatment. I look forward to your feedback on how my transplant has turned out considering the number of grafts etc. Thank you.
  2. Thank you for that 'thehairupthere'. I've already had a transplant in the front/midscalp region in December 2008 for 2700 odd grafts. I am now wondering whether the doctor was right in terms of undergoing surgery on me from an ethical perspective as I was naive about this at the time. Without naming names this doctor is recommended on the Hair transplant network site as well. Also my midscalp region is quite thin and patchy as I would have thought it would be thicker than that considering the number of grafts placed in the region. Anyway thank you.
  3. Hello everyone, I posted a video of myself about 7 months ago to ask whether or not I should have a transplant or not. I was advised that it would be best that I wait. I would be grateful if you some of you could do the same this time around, 7 months after and advise me whether I should go for a transplant or not. Some doctors with the exception of a few are ready to give me a transplant but I would really like your feedback first. Also is there anything about certain doctors being highly skilled to place donor hair in such a way that the native hair doesn't die? Thank you so much! Link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6vTJicagPI
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