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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Alright, after far too many distractions, almost forgetting, having to find the camera cable, and almost forgetting again, I've got more specific pictures. Eyes and/or more sadly-in-need-of-plucking brows left in for perspective. Wow, those pictures really don't treat me well. The one time I wish this camera would be a little fuzzy is when it takes pictures clearer than I am. I'm usually not that bad. These are directly post-shower, and the water really accents how the front is thinning. It looks worse, to me, when I can really get up close in the mirror, especially in perspective considering the rest of my hair has always been very thick. I'm more worried about the receding, and want to try and nip it in the bud. But I have heard that hair may 'settle' into a more permanent pattern in your twenties, and might not progress further. I'm unsure of the truth in that but, frankly, I'll be just fine if it doesn't get much worse.
  2. Just too much here for me to absorb, so excuse anything that I missed. Some background: I've had long hair since the middle of high school. Just being different (for then), lazy, and after my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer (she beat it) I've been letting it grow past my shoulders and then donating it. I'm 23 right now, a student, and kept the only (low paying) job I can find in the local economy. I'd prefer to get a transplant. Instant gratification and all, you know? But I can't afford to do that, with me only managing to keep school going and a roof over my head and food in my belly, but I do make enough that I can afford to get some medicine now and then. The problem: I've always had a pretty prominent 'widow's peak', but it's just turned into receding at the corners in the last few years. The front portion is noticeably thinning by now. No thinning patch in the back, that I'm aware of. So... Does anyone have any promising success stories with any of the chemical and/or herbal products or combination? I know it may affect me different, everything's relative. And cheap is good, but I'm also willing to shop around for equivalents on my own. Note: It's hard to find a place like this that's not put up by the sellers.
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