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Posts posted by ny116

  1. Hi,


    I am planning to travel to get a hair transplant. How long should I stay there? I have heard of some places that recommend flying home immediately after the HT. I have also heard of doctors recommending that patients spend 4 nights after the HT.


    What is best? I would, of course, prefer to be in the comfort of my own home. But is it better to spend some time in the city after the HT?


    Thanks in advance for your input.


  2. Hey guys,


    I've had 2 FUT hair transplant surgeries in the past. My last FUT surgery was on January 3, 2012. The scar from the first strip procedure was tolerable but now my scar is more noticeable and has been causing me to worry that people can spot it. I'd like to fill in the scar by having an FUE procedure done to hide the scar.


    Does anyone know how many months I should wait to have this procedure done? All feedback is greatly appreciated.




  3. My hairs are starting to shed in the frontal part of my head and I am thinking about using toppik to make my hair look fuller. I am hoping my hairs do not shed so much. How little or how much hair does a person need to have on their head for toppik to work?

    Thank you

  4. Hey guys,


    I recently had a hair transplant 8 days ago and my post op instructions were that from days 8 to 10 I should lean my head back and soak in the tub for 10 minutes. Do you think this is a good idea? I tried looking through this forum about this issue but some people are saying that soaking should be done after 10 days post op?




  5. Hello everyone,


    I recently had a hair transplant 2 days ago. Do you know what is the best shampoo to use? Would a baby shampoo be a good choice? Also, after what day can you resume taking a shower (had a FUT hair transplant surgery - 2000 grafts)?


    Thanks in advance


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