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Posts posted by MichGuy

  1. Unclebeets,


    I can only speak from experience. I was on Avodart for about four months. At first, I didn't see any difference in strength or indurance. After about three months, I noticed that I was not as strong as before and and was loosing muscle definition. I gave up the Avodart. Now, about two monts later, I am starting to see the trend reverse. Was it the Avodart? I can't say for sure, but I'm not going back to it to find out.

  2. Rocky,


    The "top 5" mentioned on this board are not all from the USA. Some are from Canada. I live in teh USA and went to Canada for my HT. I am sure there are other very good Docs out there but they probably don't have the client base the ones mentioned most often do - possibly because of location. Do you have any pre-op picts?

  3. Has anyone used either Dutasteride or

    Propecia that is getiing testosterone replacement? I was advised after recent HT that I should start using Dutasteride. My concern is that I know that it works on testosterone. I am concerned about the side effects since I get testosterone via injection in a single dose every three weeks. I would appreciate any info. on the subject. Thanks

  4. Has anyone used either Dutasteride or

    Propecia that is getiing testosterone replacement? I was advised after recent HT that I should start using Dutasteride. My concern is that I know that it works on testosterone. I am concerned about the side effects since I get testosterone via injection in a single dose every three weeks. I would appreciate any info. on the subject. Thanks

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