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Everything posted by maxxmill17

  1. Hey guys I have been reading alot to bide my time these coulple months as I have had much shock loss...what I dont see if too many dr's or patients telling the whole story of what goes on from start to finish...also when I utube my doctor all his fue cases he shows there are 1 day 1600 or something like that never say a two day surgery like I had...so my question is anybody else have a two day surgery and experience alot of shock loss..and then did It come back and did the fue's actually grow after the truma of of 2 days of EPINEPHRINE...thx
  2. I just did some research on Epinephrine..If I had known I would have never done a 2 day fue procedure..my hair loss has been drastic.. 2 full days atleast 8 hours each day...now the wait sucks I wish I had been advised to do the strip 6 hours in, and out, less drug, less trruma, to the head...now the long wait till I can do a strip to fix. below is what I fonnd .... "There are also hypothetical problems with using epinephrine in large transplant sessions. One is that when the drug is infiltrated into the scalp over large areas, it may predispose to post-operative telogen effluvium (shedding). Another, potentially more serious problem, is that when adrenaline is added to an area whose blood supply is already compromised by a large number of recipient sites, the tissue may not receive enough oxygen. Although not proven, it is likely that epinephrine infiltration into the recipient area is a contributing factor in the development of the "central necrosis" that has occasionally been reported during hair transplantation. It is also possible that the intense vasoconstrictive action of epinephrine may contribute to decreased graft survival. "
  3. I have been good on baby shampoo for a few months though all of sudden alot of danfruff,itchy head and hair falling...would I be best using nizoral 2x per week or more or even using head and shoulders the days I dont use Nizoral ..any thoughts appreciated
  4. After reading alot about shock loss I am left thinking that the shock loss after a 2 day proceedure could be drastic. Thinking about all the shots to the head on the first day and then again ...then again I am not a medical professional..any thoughts Dr's or experienced guys thx..
  5. no secret at all..I felt I would rather just discuss without people judging ...I am sure all doctors have good results and bad ..at this point I know it is early for me to be either...would like to just know what I should be experincing..and to have much loss duting my first 12 weeks concerns me ..my question is should I be concerned or am I in the normal group...hope Dr. will respond to relax my mind or guide me as to what I may want to do... also I am using jnj baby shampoo...is that what is commonly used for first 6 months after?.. thx all...
  6. Dr. Charles, when you say nothing happens in first few months ...well I would have welcomed that....I have lost much in the front ..now that is where all my work was done...am I in the normal group or is this not expected? thank you
  7. i will get my pix up here when i fugure out how to do..the before pix I look at now and think why did I fuck with my hair ...do I really have to wait a year or more of can I go do a strip now and blast the area with alot more hair?
  8. 1500 was recommended to me to fill in temples and bit of front...but 3 months after fue my hairline and temples look much worse . What to do? Thank you.
  9. very intresting those that support the Dr. on this siutation.(you handle your business like that?) ..I dont care how the surgery turned out or if the patient seemed agressive on the phone..as a man and then as a professional pick the phone up and see what is happening to the person who gave you his dollars and trusted you with his scalp! What kind of man ignores a telephone call from a person he did any sort of business with .. a patient no less. No excuse.
  10. Not very dry just a bit what is a good all- around shampoo/conditionar that can be used daily? Thank You
  11. saw palmetto supposedto work on dht? if so has anybody ever done dllod work before and after..or a scalp biopsy for dht in the scalp? thx
  12. Hello all and thank you in advance for any responces as they are greatly appreaciated; I was thinning in my temples pretty steadly the past 3 years I am 40 yrs old..I got 1600 fue 8 weeks ago and have been shedding from day 1. No pills or Rogaine my scalp has been sensititve so dr. said wait... I took alot of shots in my head during fue (many,many shots) is that usual and it took 2 days 16 hours total . The dr. just bounced in and out of the room the two days though "trained" his staff was there in pairs the entire time. Is that usual? Is there an amount of anestisia that may start to cause harm to the existing hair? Also 1600 does that equate to much at all filling in temple area,compaired to pictures I see of guys getting 3000 I am a bit concerned..Also from day 1 i really didnt see much some tiny hair very tiny really nothing then some scabs..I read other guys seem to see alot of hair right away?
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