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Everything posted by IronLionZion

  1. It's possible these are the symtpoms of a a bulging disc in your lower back. Basically, if the disc is impinging on a nerve root you would feel pain down your leg, possible numbness/tingling, etc. A "highly strenuous" physical ordeal could easily cause this. See a doctor - he may order a x-ray, or even an MRI or CAT Scan.
  2. I am a norwood II or III, 27 years old, who has been experiencing diffuse balding on the top and a receeding hairline VERY slowly over the last six years. I am considering rogaine foam, as it has now reached a point where it is quite noticeable. A couple of people have told me it's time to shave my head. However, I don't understand how it is practical for a person to incorperate into their daily life. In the morning the first thing i do is shower and leave - yet I hear you can't apply rogaine to a wet scalp ...... what does this mean? How can people be expected to apply it in the morning? Do they not shower? Do they use a hair dryer, or what? Secondly, my girlfriend spends alot of time over at my place. If I slather this stuff on my head twice a day is she going to notice a strong smell, or a weird texture to my hair? Propecia sounds great, btw. But it is not an option for me because I was recently found to have low testosterone levels (borderline Low T) ... and propecia would only further decrease my T levels and mess with my hormones. And there are some reports of serious side effects that are irreversible. Any advice appreciated. PS - ILL ATTACH PICTURES IN A COUPLE HOURS WHEN I GET BACK
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