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Posts posted by Frank

  1. I think this is a great thread. Lots of good information. For those researching HTs I think you can clearly see the importance of selecting a reputable physician who will spend time throughly discussing your options with you. There are a lot of factors involved with HT. You can't just look at someone else's photos and say, "I need that many grafts and I'll look like that guy". Thanks everyone for contributing this information.

  2. Ny116- Was this the plan that you discussed with your Doc before your HT? Was the plan to do 2 procedures? I tend to agree with everyone elses comments. Wait to see your results before planning the next procedure. You may find that you are happy with the density and how your scar heals. Best of luck to you!

  3. I have to agree. If you aren't noticing the hair loss and it doesn't really bother you right now then it's probably best to wait. I've also heard that at your age most docs won't do surgery but it may be good to have a consult with an ethical doctor, not one who will recommend the surgery just to put money in his own pocket, so that you know what your options are and can start planning for the future. You can do a search on this site for a coalition doctor in your area.

  4. wb280: I guess I was lucky in the fact that having the procedure didn't interrupt my work schedule too much. I had my procedure done and was able to return to work within a few days wearing a hat as I had usually done to begin with.

    If you were to have a second procedure to fortify the area it may not be as noticeable since you have some hair there now. That is as long as your doc doesn't have to shave the area. I've also read about several people using concealers after their HT to hide it. I understand that this would be a tough decision though since it will most likely impact your business and in these times every little bit counts. Good luck to you!


    RCWest: I haven't really thought about it too much. I'm pretty sure I've got some donor left back there but I'm really quite happy at this point and expecting my hair to grow in even more over the next few months. :D

  5. Have you met with a doc yet? I don't really know the answer to what you are asking but I would think it may look a little strange in between surgeries. I'm picturing a a full hairline, then a thin or bald area, then full hair. You would have to wait to loose the hair, to some extent, until your next HT so you don't damage hairs that are there.


    There is also the financial aspect since this is not inexpensive. Unless I had a nice reserve of cash this would worry me.

  6. I went into the Doc's office for a check up this week. It's been about 8 months since my last surgery and already it's thickening. I couldn't really tell until I saw the before pics and wow! I'm just waiting to receive the photos that were taken and then I will post them. I'm excited to see what the next few months will bring.

  7. ... in addition could anyone advise if this type of condition can cause any long term issue's with growth / success of the overall transplant etc ??



    It's seems from my experience, and from other posts on this site, that this is pretty common. It doesn't seem that it has effected my growth.

  8. I did a quick search for him on here and did not see anything bad, but nothing impressive either. Someone in a post said that they weren't thrilled with the before and after photographs they were shown at the consult appointment. Did you have a consultation with him? What was your impression of him?

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