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Everything posted by 7DRR

  1. Thanks for the reply Matt. I was thinking more NW 3 but I appreciate a second opinion. I am thinning all over the scalp but the fin/dutas has really seemed to put a stop/reversed that trend and when my hair is even medium length you can't even really tell. I'm not actually combining both drugs, I usually take one or the other at any given time, just recently switching back to the proscar. How much it's helped I can't state as empirically as I'd like. I was given the advice to get on one or the other and don't even look at my hair for at least a year, which for as much as I had been obsessing over it seemed welcome advice. I can only say that my hair seems thicker and to cover more than it did before on my scalp and crown as well as at the margins of my hairline. Thinking of adding Minox, but worried about shed. Thanks for the feedback.
  2. Hello, I'm a fellow hair loss sufferer wondering if I could solicit a few opinions from the more experienced members of the forum. A little about me, I'm 30 years old and I've been balding for about 5 years now but only recently started doing something about it about 8 months ago. Though this is my first post, I've done quite a bit of lurking and research regarding this topic here and on other forums about drugs and restoration surgery and would like to think I've done my homework(knock on wood). I've been on proscar/dutas for about 8 months now, I think it has helped some but I'm fully committed to getting the procedure done with Dr. Feller and will be scheduling the consultation as soon as I raise the amount for the surgery. In the meantime I would like to submit a few pictures I've snapped just recently and would like some feedback from others in the forum. What Norwood scale would you classify me as? Am I good candidate for surgery in your opinion? Is FUE even a possibility at this point or would I go with the Strip? Any wild guesses on the number of needed grafts? I realize these are questions that can really only be answered by a professional. Nonetheless I know many forum goers here are pretty experienced in these areas and any of your opinions/feedback would be greatly appreciated. Without further ado, I attempt to attach some pictures. They are taken in the bathroom, with flash. Apologies for the quality as I admittedly know nothing about photography. Thanks for reading
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