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Everything posted by rocket1356

  1. What was the total cost for you? flying from NY to Dr. Kesser. Thanks.
  2. So far no update from Nuckingfuts., hopefully he will update us so we can have some sort of confidence to travel to Turkey.
  3. Thanks Hariri. I was hoping if more people from the US went to him. I wonder how many days do you have to stay there in Turkey after the transplant. The air pressure in the airplane might affect the results??
  4. Thanks. Let me know of any update. I want to either go to this doctor or Dr. Feller.
  5. Has anyone from America actually gone to Dr. Kesser yet?
  6. How much did it cost you for the trip and the hair transplant? Did you have to stay in Turkey for a certain period before you hopped back to US? Did they restrict you from flying because of the air pressure on the plane? Thanks.
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