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Everything posted by TheKid83

  1. Thanks for getting back to me guys. Again, I'm new to this and was wondering what to expect from a consultation. Is there a series of tests which the doctor will run? As far as selecting a doctor, is there one doctor who brings something to the table which the others don't or are they all equally skilled? Contact info or should i just google and hope for the best? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi, all. I'm relatively new to the whole hair loss thing and as I never thought id be losing my hair, I've been deeply affected by some recession around my temples and a bit of thinning around my crown. I'd like to consult a specialist but I'm not sure what to expect. Are there specialists who deal with both the diagnosis of hair loss and remedies- both surgical and non-surgical? I'm 28 and living in the long island area which is driving distance to Nyc. I've already consulted a dermatologist but she seemed uninterested and/or uninformed. I plan on posting pictures in the coming days to gather some opinions. Really not sure what to expect or what to do at this point. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hey, guys. I just stumbled across this forum and figured I would introduce myself and attempt to obtain some info about hair loss. This is all fairly new to me. I'm 27 years old, and Im not sure what's causing me to seemingly lose my hair. After being overweight as a teen I have embraced a healthier lifestyle for almost ten years. A few years back I noticed a widows peak developing but didn't worry about it too much as my father has the same hairline but still has a nice head of hair. My brothers also have excellent hair. Ive had a cowlick since childhood which has made the hair on my crown part and hard to manage. A few months back a friend of mine began to razz me about having a "monkey patch" and it was at that point I began to worry. I asked my barber and he said it was just my crown; it's funny because some days it's hardly noticeable. Yesterday, my friend snapped some photos of me and it appeared as if I had a full blown bald spot. Needless to say, I felt as if someone kicked me in the stomach. I guess what I'm getting at is, what steps should I undertake to diagnose my hair loss and then what preventative steps should I take to prevent any further hair loss? Preferably, I would like to try an herbal or dietary remedy before undertaking a more rigorous medical route. I consulted a dermatologist but 125 dollars and 5 minutes later I was told I could try rogaine. I can't see the problem being dietary as I eat a higher protein diet consisting of eggs, egg whites, whole grains, and other lean protein sources such as chicken breast and lean beef. I did recently go through a bad breakup which was high stress and quite depressing. During this time I also hit the gym pretty hard and gained a bit of muscle. Perhaps a consultation with a specialist would be prudent before I purchase any products which could lead to more hair loss. I would appreciate any input and advice you guys could lend me. Thanks in advance! -Jonathan
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