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Posts posted by Thanos60

  1. After a HT, if you're getting decent growth, how do you go about continuing to maintain your hair and preventing future hair loss in other areas? Obviously you want to say on Proscar/Propecia, but should you still use Minoxidil in the transplanted hair region or only other areas (since transplanted hairs and now permanent, does minoxidil matter?) I guess an ultimate concern of mine would be is prevent future hair loss in other areas, otherwise you would just end up chasing your losses with more HT's. What's the best course of action here?

  2. I was wondering how does hair regrowth after a transplant exactly work, if you are applying say 5% minoxidil to encourage growth (after the transplanted hairs have shed)? Does the hair shed, then go throw a dormant stage then regrow? Is that why the timeline for growth can be a few months after a transplant?


    If that is the case, is this situation comparable to users who say use 5% minoxidil for the FIRST TIME and don't see any growth right away, but after a few months of continuous use, start to see growth?


    In my situation, I remember the first time I used 5% minoxidil and it took a few weeks before I saw small velus hairs growing around my hairline and eventually grew out a bit over a few months. I'm wondering if I get a HT, would this essentially be the same scenario after the transplanted hairs shed?

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