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Posts posted by snowman

  1. The Dr's that would be willing to do this on someone that has a limited donor supply are Dr's that you would do well to steer clear of. Some people just are not HT candidates, I know that's hard to hear, but it's true.

    Please don't go looking for someone who will do this, because in the end you will find somebody that will operate on you and all you will be left with is an unatural HT and regret.



    Totally agree, i just thought from a small FUE case of closing temples it may be seen differently as the initial aim to get coverage is now not what the goal is if that makes sense

  2. I have had a few consults to date mostly in resulting in me either being told to wait a while or not suitable at all for FUE HT due to limited donor supply.


    I am a thin diffuser throughout so have come to terms that only a miracle would allow me to grow my hair out as it just is not viable.


    What i wanted to know was even with limited donor supply would there be some docs who would look at closing the temples and bringing hairline slightly forward for me and if so which Docs would you recommend i speak to about this?


    Have been on FIN for about 4 years

  3. it has not even been a year since his HT so i think should reserve judgment until after the Euro's


    Sure he will be slapping on the concealer for tonights crunch derby game

  4. Sheath


    It seems that you need to go back and really think about whether surgery is for you, at this stage. It is natural to have doubts at this stage but if I were you I would think carefully about surgery and the future implications.


    The facts are:

    you ought to be on meds to deal with future loss;

    at 24 you are likely to lose more hair. You will have to accept this and plan for another surgery at some point in the future;

    transplanted hair will never match the density of your native hair- skilled placement however can give the illusion of full coverage


    I had a procedure similar to yours at 38 years old. I am now 42 and my hairline is between 50-60 grafts per cm2 and looks like a full hairline.


    Why not come to London to the hair meet and you can see patients for yourself from many different doctors, at different stages. That should give you a good idea about what can be achieved. It's fine on the internet but you would benefit from meeting people and it might put your mind at rest.


    Re Dr Feriduni: - rest assured he is an ethical surgeon and his work is as good as anything you will see from anywhere in the world.


    Good luck.


    Top advice right here, whilst you are young make sure you do not rush into things and take the offer up to meet real life patients and what their thoughts are.


    You could also consult with out HT surgeons to see what they recommend.

  5. I am 27 suffered from hair loss for about 5 years which has now stopped. I am what would be classed as thin diffuser. All that kept me going was thought of a Ht to rectify this


    I now am not sure if i am suitable candidate as donor area seems to be suffering from erratic hair loss possible DUPA, not sure if this is permanent (hope not) but i wanted to know if there is anything i could do to help improve hair growth within this area?


    Have been on fin for 4 years now, thinking of starting minox to see if donor area can regrow?


    Any other ideas/thoughts?

  6. I know people say do not go by locality of HT doc and i agree for sure, i just think with Ferudini being in Belgium it is an ideal location for those based in Europe/UK


    If i am deemed suitable he will definately be a preferred choice

  7. All of the doctors mentioned thus far are excellent. Saying "who's best" is like the question, who is better looking, blondes, redheads or brunettes?


    The question you have to ask is: Who is the best doctor for me? And in order to get the correct answer, you have to know what type of surgery you want done (FUE/FUT), and then decide which of these doctors will give you the best chance to achieve the result you are after. It's a crowded field of excellent doctors for strip surgery, my own opinion would place Dr. Konior, Dr. Wong, Dr. Shapiro (to name three) at the top of any list, but for FUE, the field thins considerably.


    In this context, the answer is Dr. Umar. He does with FUE what no one else on this list has done (if they have, I've not seen the results anywhere) You certainly were wise up to this point, I commend you for your restraint. I wish I had of taken a similar route and I'm certain you have made the right choices thus far, because no surgery is a far better choice than a bad outcome, I can attest to that personally. I think you need to continue with your research, good luck and happy hunting.



    Interesting that Dr.Umar offers bodyhair/beard transfer for HT where other Dr's do not due to believing it is not of same texture as normal hair

  8. Keep with the meds, i have been in similar situation to you but seems you have taken action way before i did. The meds should STOP further hair loss which should be your first point of call. In the meantime, take your time researching consulting with all docs comparing their recommendations/prices then maybe end of year or even better after least year of meds you could look at having treatment done


    Good luck

  9. My psoriasis is really acting up, it's all over my head. It seems to be that the transferred hair from the donor area where i had the biggest problem with psoriasis has relocated to the recipient area. I put on Egypt Magic. My girlfriend is an esthetician, she uses it daily, swears by it. I'm just a little scared because I'm only 10 day's out. Really didn't want to put anything on my head, but my whole scalp is covered with big white flake's. If anybody has any input or experience with psoriasis, would love to know your thoughts.





    Have you tried washing your hair with nizarol or t-gel? Both are meant to help i believe

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