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Everything posted by AnthonyB

  1. Many thanks to all who have given me the benefit of their advice. James (my son) has booked an appointment with Boots the chemist this evening (20th Dec). I think he still has his heart set on a transplant but when he comes home for Christmas I'll show him your replies and hopefully he'll realise it isn't necessarily the only option and maybe I can persued him to join this forum Perhaps he'll realise he's not unique in the problem he has. I'll post an update to keep you all informed of his progress. Thanks again and best regards. Anthony
  2. Many thanks for your replies. He seems to think that a transplant will be the answer to his problem especially having read an article and seen before and after pictures about the transplant that the actor James Nesbit had. When we went to see the advisor (salesman) at Ziering (part of the London Hospital Group!). He explained that a transplant will be the answer my son is looking for as taking hair from the back or side of the head means they have no DHT receptors. He also mentioned Minoxidil and Propecia but explained that they will only stop further hair loss and a transplant was the only longterm option which is what raised my concerns that they may not have his best interests at heart and are looking to charging ?7,500 for a 2,100 - 2,500 folicle transplant. I'm happy to pay this if this is the answer but I'm not an expert. Regards Anthony
  3. Hello My son is 22 years old and is experiencing hair loss from the crown moving towards the front of his hairline. Currently it's not too bad but is causing him deep concern. On Friday (17th Dec) we visited a company in London called Ziering. Does anyone have any experience of this company good or bad. Many thanks for reading this. regards Anthony
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