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Everything posted by SupaG

  1. Hi there, new poster here. I have been considering a HT for quite a while now and have been reading this site for a long time but haven't posted until now. I've got pretty much all of my questions answered but there is one thing I'm really curious about I haven't seen anybody talk about. After the procedure is done, what prevents the hair grafts from getting pulled out? Are the donor hairs long enough to show or are they flush with the skin? All I can imagine is rolling around in my sleep the night after getting a HT and pulling all the hairs out. Obviously this doesn't happen but... why? Thanks!
  2. I posted my experience with Propecia in another thread but let me just say here the official stats for how many patients are experiencing problems with Propecia are BS. You'll find many people supporting the use of Propecia are actually experiencing side effects but they would personally rather have hair and put up with the sexual problems. That doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist, it's just that they are OK with the side effects. Personally, I was not and would never be OK with loss of penis functionality no matter how much hair it grew.
  3. I tried Propecia for several weeks, had noticeable sexual side effects and promptly stopped taking it and threw my pills away. I would rather be bald than have a penis that doesn't work. The amount of people suffering sexual side effects from this drug is much much greater than is officially reported. Many guys are claiming that their problems didn't go away after stopping the pill, so that really scared me but I did return to normal (at least I think I did). Many people with problems are dismissed as either imagining it ("it's all in your head!") or as having some other cause. After the first week of taking it I didn't notice anything different and thought I would be OK and didn't worry about it at all. However after the next week it was noticeably different and after week three it was obvious what was going on.
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