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Posts posted by HighTopFade

  1. Hello all,


    I am new to this forum. I have probably had at least 4 HT in the last 15 yrs.


    Many yrs ago, I shaved my head, exposing a huge strip donor scar. People on the street stared at me. My doctor demanded me to tell her when I had my cranial-otomy. Seriously. No joke.


    I decided to grow my hair out, and stick with the #2 I had enjoyed and gotten great compliments.


    I decided to go for the shaved head again, about 1 yr ago. But this time, I would figure out a way to shave my entire head, EXCEPT for the donor scar. I artistically figured out a way to simply leave about a #2 length around the donor scar.


    So now, 90% of my head is shaved with a '0'. Yes. I have a shaved head.


    Except, the back of my head has a rectangular shaped area slightly wider than the donor scar.


    My goal was to make it look like the many guys who are bald, who have a patch of hair above the nape of their neck.


    Well, it doesn't exactly look like that. It looks like a guy with a full head of hair who chooses to shave his head bald, but for some odd reason leaves a strip of hair on the back of his head, above his neck.


    The width of the patch is about 1 inch.


    I shaved off the tails of the donor scar on the left & right sides, so you can actually see 2 little scars at each end of the donor scar.


    But the meat of the scar is covered with a patch of hair with about a growth of a #2.


    People have accepted me. Nobody gives me a hard time. Comparing this look to the last time where I EXPOSED THE DONOR SCAR, no comparison.


    Before, I people thought I had brain surgery.


    Now, I just look like a guy who has hair growing on his donor scar to people who are in the 'know'...but to most folks, they figure I just choose to leave a tiny patch of hair on the back of my head.


    Wanted to know, if anyone else has tried this ?


    If so, what was the response ?


    And as a HT veteran, this gave me the most freedom and joy I have ever felt in years.


    Also, I work out, and am fairly muscular, which helps a lot.


    Some people have said the only reason it works for me, is because of that reason.


    Please, anybody out there, share your feedback with me, or your experiences if you are thinking about SHAVING YOUR HEAD or have SHAVED YOUR HEAD.


    It'll change your life, but I highly recommend having some hair over the donor scar (#2).


    If you do it artistically, nobody most of the time will notice, and in my opinion, if oyu have a strip scar (circa 1995), you wanna keep it covered.



    Sly Bald Guys Forum - Index



    Those guys are really great. A great support group. Those guys are sincere and kind.


    I shave my head and use Rogaine.





    tah-tah for now ;-)







  2. I agree with what you are saying but it is hard for some people more than others. The hair industry is a multi billion dollar industry. There is a reason for that. People really would do anything to try to retain, regrow, achieve a hair style that they once had or to thicken it up like some celebrity they admire.


    For me it only started bothering when people brought it to my attention over and over and over again like it was the end of the world. Some people would stare at the scalp rather then my eyes in a conversation. I mean come on.


    Then it got to a point it started making me look older then I am. Then the "looking older than you really are" comments start to affect a person. They wouldn't have any effect on you unless they are said over and over and over again and then you are like what's going on. You tend to remember who said what and when too. It's unbelievable but so many questions result from hair loss and I could keep going with this.


    I mean some guys got it made with their head shaved, but it suits some more than others. Having hair and not having hair suits them, but some people need the hair since shaved heads might not suit them? Scars, burns, never had hair, starting losing hair and etc, hair is hair. I wouldn't do it but there are some people willing to use pubic hair to implant on the scalp. Many what say that is abnormal but for those who know the situation and what the hair loss sufferer goes through, might understand the situation.


    I'll tell you something, there are people hesitant for surgeries and afraid to use medications to retain hair, but wait till they discover cloning and a pill to stop baldness forever. You will have every person with hair loss standing in line for the fix.


    Some people do it to get noticed by the opposite sex, some do it for peace of mind other situations, work, etc., and I really think they should make hair loss a medical condition for insurance companies and not cosmetic. I mean some insurances do pay for breast implants as well for women? Even in the military, they would pay for a breast implant for women for cosmetic purposes. But they don't touch hair transplants. The amount of people depressed from hair loss, give them hair and you just treated depression or any other psychological problem. Obsessive toppikk rituals, taking hours to do hair due to thinning, missing classes due to a bad hair day, worrying about rain or wind, not wanting photos taken cuz you gotta look at it, wasting money and trying anything, drinking heavily due to depression. I mean you got so many things that can just branch off from hair loss, it's definitely a medical condition for a lot of people, where it may just be nothing for the few people that I have known.


    But that was an awesome post, motivation is motivation, and this type of support helps calming the situation a bit. It was definitely worth reading and was definitely worth it to join this forum.


    I agree with you 110%.



    The thing with me is that I just keep it movin'. The world isn't going to stop because I'm balding.



    It's kinda like obese people... people who are fat don't go around saying, "OH GOD! I'M A DIGUSTING SLOB. PEOPLE ARE LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


    Some exercise. Some just keep it movin' and love every inch of their body. And some sit and sulk (like a lot of bald folk do).



    It's all how you approach it.



    I'm not saying my life since balding is easy - it's a struggle everday. But each day that struggle gets a little less. Just a little. And for that, I'm thankful.

  3. Okay so I started Rogaine and it appears I should not have. it seems I am still allergic to the new stuff without propellant just like the old version of Rogaine and my head has swollen and has been oozing non stop for the last two days. despite the skin test with the new foam version of Rogaine without propellant, propellant wasn't the problem. my doctor was shocked. He said he never seen a reaction like this before. I did tell him my reaction from using it before was bad in fact even worse than it is now ( last time my head blew up to the size of an alien and I am not exaggerating). my head now is covered in ooze and crust. He said it wouldn't affect the transplanted hairs. I had to call in sick, something I never had to do after my transplant surgery, so I am not happy. It has been 3 weeks now since my surgery so I hope he is being truthful. But I am still worried.

    Rogaine never again!!! no matter what new formula they come out with. I wish doctors would listen to me when I tell them I am allergic to it. This is depressing now, after the surgery and recovery and observed density in the first couple of weeks were excellent. Should I be worried now?





    I hope all ends well for you. And thanks for bumping this. I literally had a thread about African Americans and HT/FUEs.


    Best regards.

  4. Oh, my gosh!


    I am flattered at the fast, informational, and racially sensitive posts. I'm so glad I found this site. And I really want thank you two for posting. I really do appreciate it. My hair loss has been an emotionally draining situation... just by signing up and seeing actual people and not just faceless usernames, it's really reassuring -- regardless if I am a candidate for HT/FUE.


    Thank you again, good sirs.


    P.S. I'll comment on the pics later. I can't view them for some reason.

  5. So can black folk get hair transplants/FUE?


    The reason why I ask, and excuse me because I'm new to this, is because black folk have less hair density.


    So I'm guessing you have massive density in addition to donor hair... am I right?



    If I am wrong, please post pictures of African American males that have received HT/FUEs.


    Thank you.





    I found this






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