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Everything posted by Eddiefox79

  1. Hi All, Thanks for your responses and advice, I will do more research as suggested... Btw, I am 31 years old, I am a student still because I am doing my PhD. I have been losing hair since 5-6 years but it suddenly peaked about an year ago, it wasn't this bad then. I am using Minoxidyl 2mg for the past couple of months and have used propecia before for 6 months a year ago, but nothing ongoing. I wonder if the wuality in UK and in India are the same and if so are the rates similar too? Thanks a lot for helping me decide... do keep the advice coming.. Regards, Eddie
  2. Hi, I am an Indian residing in UK, I have been suffering from hair loss since 5 yeras and reckon I am on Grade V on the scale, I have more hair loss on the crown spot than the frontal hairline though, but I can see a general decline in the density on the top, I also have loss in both the corners. I really need to go for a HT soon and am planning the finance for it. I reckon I will need around 2000 to 2500 grafts (I am guessing based on HTs I have seen online, I don't have my camera on me currently and will upload my snaps here as soon as I can) I am getting nowhere researching my HT options, I can get it done here or in India but have no idea which is better. I am also a student and can afford only around 2500 to 3000 GBP (or India rupees 1.5 to 2 lakhs). Could you please suggest what my best option is? Really need some help.... Thank you! P.S - I have added a few snapshot from my laptop webcam, not great quality but might help you in advising me.... THANKS!!
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