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Posts posted by HairToday72

  1. Hi gemmamatt


    I have no idea where the hair came from to be honest I never asked (but maybe I should've?). The hair was always good quality and normally consistent on each order - which is always a problem when you re-order, with other companies I tried they always got the colour/density wrong which is a total nightmare as they take so long to come in.


    I read some guy on the forum saying these companies just cut them from stock units, but thankfully this never happened to me as I used to have 3 or 4 colours blended/mixed plus varying density (lighter at front and sides) which has to be custom made.


    I do think a good stylist can do wonders with any system so I found I was really in their hands and tried to stick to the longer standing ones. There was one company who put me with a stylist who frankly I wouldn't trust to clip my dogs hair.


    Ilncepted- the total bond is like a pva glue which they put on your head and the system (then dry till it's clear with a hairdryer) that holds for a couple of weeks. You can easily buy this glue from most of the hairreplacement salons and do it yourself very easily, so not that expensive although you do have to get your own hair cut regularly at the salon. I used to find I could attach my piece better than the salon.


    Dunno if any of this helps.

  2. Yes a fair bit of experience of hair systems in London. I personally found all the hair systems much the same, it's down to finding a good regular stylist. I used hdc In Hendon for years and also had farrell systems from whitecliffs.

  3. Just looks like another company selling hair systems (toupees) to me. They might be good toupee's though, who knows. First time I've seen the phrase 'virtual reality' hair, made me smile.

  4. Hi, yes I can recommend my old stylist Annette Lora from when I wore a system, she is the best, bit of a mad-one but a master-hairstylist and absolutely brilliant and cut my hair for years.


    She started up on her own in London, if you google ' hair doctors for you' i think her numbers on there. I haven't spoken to her since she left hdc.


    Hope this helps.

  5. Thanks for moving this topic to a new thread.


    Few questions for you SS, you didn't say whether you had an online consultation. Most ht doctors are able to give you an assessment these days without the need to visit in person.


    You mentioned you got butchered by another clinic but you haven't said who they are and what happened. In fact you seem more concerned about being turned down as a candidate for surgery than what actually happened to you. Why not share this experience, tell us about it. Some before and after pics would help.


    You said someone else did your surgery in the end and you are very happy. This sounds great but who did your repair?. I'm a newbie here too but it seems customary to post some before and after pics, you can photoshop out your face.


    I'm sorry if I'm the one to tell you this but you already seem well on your way to being blackballed by the community anyway. Why not add some substance to all this?. Nobody would have any issues with what your saying and in fact you would get a lot of sympathy for your situation if you backed everything up.


    Although I imagine not giving your name gives you the freedom to start up your campaign under a different alias when you eventually do get your account deleted.

  6. Hey there, just to chime in on dr Bisanga. I met him in person for a consultation and seen some of his results first hand and he has got to be one of the best in the world, his work looks amazing, great density etc. I also found him very ethical.


    I have seen lots of Dr Fellers cases and in my opinion his work is world class so should definitely be at the top of your consult list. I have to say full credit to him for speaking candidly about the risk of failure inherent to every surgery by every doctor, especially with fue.


    Supu is right, Farjo doesnt do fue as far as I know. I don't think there is a credible fue dr in the uk at all but I stand to be corrected!

  7. Look SS, obviously you have an axe to grind and that is your perrogative if you have a case to make but i would be grateful if you could start your own discussion thread instead of hijacking mine to make your points.


    My results are only at 7 months so your comments are completely wild and inappropriate at this stage. I would have no issue if you made them at the 12 month point but most of what your saying doesn't even relate to this discussion anyway. At the moment you just appear to have your own agenda which is to berate an eminent doctor without substantiating any of your argument.


    The moderator has already kindly asked you not to make personal attacks or to turn my discussion thread into a slanging match and keep it to the theme of my thread. As you don't seem to be able to do this please could the moderator intervene?


    In other words SS, thanks but go start your own thread.

  8. Ive been following your progress over the last few months. Like everyone else whos commented i really feel for you, you must have gone through major upset stress and worry.


    Im really surprised the doctor/clinic hasnt been on at any stage to explain the result to the community on this thread, normally coalition doctors get straight on the case.


    Just out of interest what were you promised?. imo i think you have a right to be pretty angry actually. Considering the number of grafts, the area of coverage and in particular the spacing of the graphs shown on your post op pics I am struggling to see how this couldve ever been a success without a significant amount of native hair to start with. This isnt clear on the pre-op pics but on the immediate post op pics it just looks like the grafts were really widely placed with massive gaps and spaces in between.


    On the bright side from your pics it looks like youve still got plenty of donor left. If it makes you feel any better I started with significantly less donor.

  9. Hey there, I just wondered if you have any pics to share of your pre/post op? It would be good to see any pics of your progress.


    Best wishes, happy growing. I've seen some really fantastic results from Farjo so I'm sure you'll get a great outcome.

  10. shadow, I think anyone who doesn't have major issues with their hairloss would just shave their head and give up and wouldn't be on these forums or consider surgery. I think it's going too far to label me as bdd.


    Millions of men end up wearing hair pieces and systems. Are they all body dismorphic too or is it vanity for everyone else?. Apart from the underlying wig-worry I was mostly able to forget about hairloss throughout my 20s and early 30s. I became a dad, built a successful career, bought a house etc. Not really indicative of the social withdrawal of bdd.


    I wanted to share my early experience of aggressive premature mpb to explain how I, like anyone else, found themselves in a toupee. Anyone who doesn't understand how it feels to wear a hairpiece should try it for a while and then report back. You really get trapped by it.


    So maybe my ht won't give me flocks of flowing hair, I have realistic expectations. What i can honestly say is that it has already improved my quality of life and given me some peace from hairloss.


    Don't get me wrong I respect and appreciate what your saying however I just don't think it applies to my case.

  11. Thanks ffar for your thoughts. I completely respect your opinion but i hope you will understand that i dont agree with you. I think its unfair to dismiss all NW7s as lost causes who should just go and get a wig.


    After 15 years of wearing a toupee I dont want to go back thanks. I'm not Charlie Sheen and the truth is wearing one is really no life, at least it wasnt for me. Cosmetically it gave me the strength to face the world but inside it ate me alive every day: lost relationships, people laughing at me to my face or behind my back, lost friends, paranoia, being the subject of jokes, trauma on windy days and a complex about anybody touching me. I became so trapped and depressed by it, I didn't want to go out with the wig on and I couldnt leave the house without it on.


    There are plenty of examples of HTN recommended doctors that have operated successfully on NW7s with what look like life changing results for the patient involved. None of the world class doctors I consulted refused to operate on me.


    For me so far it has been the right decision. I go out more, go to the gym, socialise and have some confidence and doing my best to have a life.

  12. Thanks for those comments Aaron and bonkerstonker. I did shave my donor to a number 3 guard so that might be partly why it looks bit thin, shaving it seems to give a better look, but maybe I should let it grow?


    Over the years I also had some light diffuse thinning just above the ears.

  13. hey norwoodsman, is a hairpiece definitely your only option?. i am no expert on these things (there are some guys on here that are) but have you thought about looking into medications that are available to stabilise/improve your situation?.


    I only wish that I had minoxidil, finasteride, avodart etc available to me before I started wearing a hairpiece over 15 years ago at the age of 22. The worse thing would be if they could help you and you missed the chance. MIght be worth asking the opinion of some of the consultants and doctors on this site.


    I agree with what wb280 is saying, hairpieces can be depressing. I think if you find a good supplier and stylist then they can look very realistic, I believe the hairpiece gave me back my 20s and early 30s, although not many relationships lasted after they found out.

  14. Just posted 7 month pictures on my journal.


    Thought it would be a good idea at this point to upload some before and afters which i've attached to this post (hope the pictures are big enough for you to see them).


    The 3rd 'before' pic is of my head with my old toupee peeled back. it hurts now even now looking at it







  15. thanks guys. I will be taking some 6 month pics this week and will get them uploaded for u.


    Mac1, I dont know much about SMP but coincidentally on a tv show last week some guy had something similar done it, it was like a fine tatoo whch looked really good but things always look better on tv, have you seen the result up close?. I was wondering if it would have any effect prospects for future surgery as I was maybe considering a second pass next year for bit more hairline density.

  16. thanks for the replies guys.


    I started avodart as it was getting some amazing reports of miracle regrowth, obviously this was wishful thinking in my case and the results were much that could be expected for a nw7. During my consults with the Dr he advised stopping avodart all together as it was unlikely to be of any benefit in my case. The pre and post op instructions prescribe the use of minoxidil, from what ive read different clinics have different protocols on this. I also stopped the Nizoral as I read its not a good idea after a ht.

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