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Everything posted by MaxM3

  1. and can you guys tell me what do you think about this and could this be temprary solution?
  2. thanx for the advice mate. we are so damned to have this problem so early in our lifes.... i mean if this happened to me in 40s i wouldnt care, but why now?? thats what bothers me , i became so self concious , and so unsure in myself....thats the main problem for me, it affects my life so much.... i tryed to get hold of propecia but i cannot get it here in my country... and it really bothers me to take it even if i would have it for fear of side effects....dont know, i guess its best as you all said to wait until i get completely out of hair and then do it
  3. thanx for the advices guys, and thanx to Spanker for the compliment I wish you all have those round heads you want, but I want some hair on it lol dont know, I will see what my options are, i listened to your advices and went throught pharmacies todays and asked for Propecia, i wish you all could see how they were looking at me when i asked like WTF is that ?? before i go searching on the net for it, can someone tell me can propecia actually regrow hair or just keep what you have?
  4. could it be maybe because my hair was shaved 2-3 days before? i think its rather thick now, I will take photo later.
  5. Hello guys, and thank you for your kind and answers with good intentions. I have to say that this wasn't the kind of answer I was hoping to get but what can I do? I was really determined to go on with the procedure at the beggining of next year, but now don't know what to think anymore. For sure, I know that my natural hair would be lost at some point in life, but didnt realize it would be so soon after the transplant. Also I thought that I could maintain it with those medications you have mentioned Propecia, even tho i am abit scared of using it cause I read all kinds of stories mentioning terrible side effects. And, I only shave my head cause I have to. I mean some of my friends tell me i look fine with shaved head, but the thought that I will have to live and shave my head till the rest of my life really bothers me, so as living under the hat, which i am constantly using for almost half an year now. Don't know, I really want to listen to your advice, but then again, I am terrified of shaving my head and being bald. Its just not my style dont know how else to explain it. I have sent email to doctor Kesser and awaiting his response on my matter. I forgot to mention that people from Transmed told me that I could maintain my natural hair with PRP treatment once a year at their clinic. Does anyone know something about it? Also, here in my country, there is no doctor I can go to who can prescribe me with Propecia, since most of them probably dont know what it is. Can someone point me to a good and reliable online store where to get it, and provide me with instructions on how to use it? Thanx for your help guys, MaxM3
  6. Hello to everyone here. I was watching this site for several days and now decided to join. I must say I didnt expected at my age to be joining hair loss forum but what can you do? :rolleyes: I would like to ask for advice. I am 22 years old who started losing hair 2 years ago. I suspect i am genetically prone to hair loss since my father and late grandfather both had same issue. I have decided to go with hait transplant soon, and since I am from eastern europe can someone please suggest good hair transplant surgeon? Or yet, best if someone can tell me more about Transmed clinic in Turkey? Since I have contacted them and they gave me some very nice price for fut hair transplant, but I have seen few not so good results on this web so if someone can give me advice about them i would greatly appreciate it. Also, my second choice would be Dr. Muttilap Kesser and his FUE method. I saw some excellent results from this doctror, if someone can tell me more again.... I would opt for 3000 grafts transplant, since i was reccomended so. And I have few questions: - Regarding my situation, which method is best choice for me FUT or FUE? - I am a little bit worried about scar that FUT leaves... people from Transmed have shown me a photo with very small 1.5mm scar which is perfectly covered with donor area, but can someone tell me would that mean that I can't buzz my donor area short until the rest of my life? - Can my remaining natural hair on top be maintained with some drugs after i do the transplant as obviously i dont want to lose anymore hair after it? Thanx, that would be all for now. Best regards, MaxM3 PS: I have attached one photo of particular result from Transmed clinic (which was arround 2500 grafts) that I liked very much, and asked people from Transmed clinic is there a chance I would get result like that they said it is possible I will get even better result. I would love this to be truth as I used to have hair like this What do you guys think? Every opinion counts for me
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