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Everything posted by JJD123

  1. I checked the store but cannot find any prices, please can you advise on how much it is? Also is there any difference in propecia and proscar? I had a prescription from the doctor, just asked him the last time I went in but never picked up the pills
  2. Can anyone give me information on how to buy propecia in Ireland? Is the doctor the safest option or have people on here got success stories from buying it online? There seems to be mixed reviews about this!!
  3. 1) What dosage would people recommend? I see from some forums that 0.5mg daily would have the same effect as 1.25mg but there would be less chances of side effects? 2) If cost was not an option is there any advantage of using Merck over Cipla? 3) What is the best online site to buy these pills?
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