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Everything posted by harry01

  1. thanks guys much appreciated. the niall friel story is quite remarkable. how come more people do not opt for the scalp reduction procedure as he had done. is it dangerous? is it best to be fully bald to have this work done-i find it inrtriguing....
  2. I have been to advanced hair studio in dublin recently for free consultation. i have decided to hol back on any transplant work for the time being to see how things develop. i have started on finesteride (proscar--1mg daily) only on it just over a month. The guy at A.H.S. recommended me 6 months laser treatment-consisting of weekly visits for 50 minutes coupled with a 6 month supply of minodoxil 7% strength. I asked him will all improvements i may have after the 6 months disappear in the future when i stop using laser coupled with minodoxil. He told me that i will hold onto any imrovements as i am taking the finesteride (dht innhibitor). Is this just a sales pitch or is this actually true. I would definitely consider having the laser if improvement s made lasted not just ofr the 6 months of treatment. I have frequently read that once one stops using minodoxil all gained hair will be lost. Will the finesteride hold onto gained hair even after ceasing use of laser/minodoxil. I am nw 2 at worse at the moment and want to take every step poassible to at least hold onto what i have. Anyone have any knowledge/experince/advice on this??? sincerely, harry
  3. Was not originally but now now im thinking differently. going overseas must definitely be taken into consideration. over the phone consultations can they really be that satisfactory?anyone had a phone consultation? was advised to consider both rogaine and propecia also. have my reservations about starting such treatments right now-if i started on such a product and then came off it in a year or whatever would'nt that be detrimental to my hair?
  4. Hi, i have also been to Dr.collins for a consultation. I am doing plenty of research on this site as i also feel Collins prices are very costly. Iwas quoted 1500 graphs at 12, 500 euro-too costly for me considering i may indeed need further work in years to come. Can any body tell me does Dr.Farjo in Manchester offer reasonable rates? I read on this forum he does quality work.
  5. thanks appreciate the reply. I do understand that there is no point in losing precious donor hair with a botched job by going to a cheap surgeon. However, I read of dr.feller's excellent reputation-i have been on his site and his prices are reasonable-working out at about 6,ooo euro for 1500 graphs. Dr.Collins in Ireland-my homeland-quoted 15oo graphs at 12,500 euros. Thats a considerable difference considering the reputation of Dr.Feller. (am aware that Ireland is far behind USA and much of Europe in the hair transplant area.(only 2 transplant surgeons in Ireland)
  6. 29 years old-been noticing receding in temple for areas for a few years now-really annoys me and constantly covering temple area as i wear my hair reasonably long.want to continue my hair style if possible. had consultation with dr.kiely as well as dr.collins in ireland. I am very impressed with this forum and hearing peoples honest experiences and opinions. Have since read many pretty uncomplimentary work done by kiely so he is not an option. dr.collins seems to do tidy work but is very expensive. Would really appreciate advice on what to do. I am now considering going overseas but still cautious as to complications and going back if things go wrong etc. I read that Dr.Farjo in Manchester does excellent work. what are his costs?(same price range as dr.collins in Ireland?) Costs are not mentioned on his website. Dr.Feller in New York also had a great reputation-distance and worries of complications to take into consideration!
  7. seriously considering a hair transplant.i'm 29 from ireland and have had consultations with dr.kiely and dr.collins here recently.im receding in the temple areas but stiil have a good head of hair at the moment.revelations on this forum have completely put me off going to kiely. dr.collins appears solid but very expensive!would really appreciate some advice.is dr.farjo in manchester very good?reading very positive feedback on him.what are his prices like compared to collins for example who want 8.50 euro per graph?'feedback would be greatly appreciated!i understand you have to pay good money for a top job but would still like to get some value in these recessionary times.
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