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Everything posted by mag39

  1. Well, then maybe that whats happened when I took that zoloft. The hair I lost never grew back although I do see some single hairs and small groups of hair come in every once in a while where there is no hair in the front part of my hairline. so, I guess it would be a good Idea to stay on propecia and see what happens. I guess I'll have to look forward to a hair transplant soon to replace what I lost that won't grow back from that damn zoloft. I was doing pretty good before that medication. I had a nice thick head of hair. I still have plenty on my head, it's just a little diffuse on top, and you can see it under bright lights. don't like that.
  2. So, I am going to assume that you think that even though the medication started the hair loss it is still considered mpb?
  3. I was just wondering if anybody has a little information on drug induced hairloss. I went on zoloft about 5 years ago, and after about 3 weeks on the medication I noticed that my hair started falling out around the hairline and on top of my head. I went off of zoloft and have been off of it for 5 years now. Every so often it seems that my hariline is recieding back on the left side and on top of my head seems to be a little lighter, not really sure though. could that medication have started mpb. right now the docotor started me on propecia just in case. I also spoke with a hair transplant surgeon, and he said that he never heard of medication that could cause your hair to fall out. He says that it's mpb and that the medication might of erritated the mpb. Any information about my situation would be appericated. I am thinking of getting my hairline restored and what ever fell out on top of my head or at least try to thicken it up a little bit.
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