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Posts posted by skinnyshaft

  1. I can't speak for Dr Rahal, but I've had 2 HTs with Dr Feller and the experience was nothing short of outstanding.


    I'm surprised to read some negativity towards him, as I've seen/spoken to quite a few people who hold Dr Feller in similar esteem and got incredible results.


    I'm currently 7.5months through hairline work with Dr Feller, and very pleased with how its progressing. I suffer from naturally mega-fine hair so it's certainly been a long road, but getting there...



  2. Hi guys,


    I'm now almost at 7.5months mark following a 1,100-graft hairline bulk up of my hairline by Dr Feller. This follows up a 1st HT I had done in 2008 for 2,167 grafts. I have EXCEPTIONALLY fine hair, thus the extra work.


    Progress has been steady but very, very good. I've been able to have a longer hair style, and more good things can only come as I'm guessing I'm only just over halfway there.


    I've still currently got issues on my problem left side, where my hair naturally grows in a strange direction, which causes breakage between the central hair and the sides. I didn't have my temples bulked as we ran out of grafts, but I'm hoping that as the other new hair gradually matures, it will easily compensate for the recession at the sides.


    You can see the breakage on this problem side from the 2nd and 3rd photos (where I'm looking to the left of the screen), but you can also see where a lot of the new hair still has to mature.


    Here's a link to my 4month pics for comparison.












  3. Harari,


    Can you link us to Dr Rahals FUE database of results? I could not find 1 result! You are aware FUE is very different to strip ?!



    Also i can only find 3 FUE results by SMG after over 3 years of performing FUE...... What is making them the best in the world at FUE in your opinion?



    I am a 2 time Dr Feller patient and in researching FUE have not seen as many FUE results grown out provided by any other Dr then him.






    He is without question one of the BEST FUE surgeons around today.




  4. Hey Browney


    As others have said, you've definitely got your head in the right place and done your research, without instantly dismissing certain docs on grounds of travel. An HT is just so important to get right.


    The 3 docs you mention all have good reputations and proven results. I've had 2 HTs with Dr Feller (approaching 7 months into the 2nd one and starting to see v good results). I'd certainly have no reputation recommending him in the slightest.


    Seeing that you're in the UK, will be worth contacting Spex (dude who's posted above). I met up with him a few times and he helped me out LOTS as well as assessing my situation.


    Good luck!!!



  5. Hi Nicko,


    As Spex advised, check out my most recent posts.


    I don't know anyone who has hair as fine as mine, and it has been the bane of my life, even before I started losing hair! In fact, I could talk FOREVER about fine hair.


    I initially had frontal recession similar to yours I guess, and had 2,167 grafts with Dr Feller in 2008. Due to the extreme fine-ness of my hair though, I required a further bulk up of 1,100 grafts into the hairline, which I had done at the end of last September. I'm now exactly 6-months through that procedure (still very early days), and it's still tricky to tell exactly how my end results will be, although there's certainly been a steady and noticeable improvement since the 3month mark.


    Really, I'm just hoping that I can get to the stage where I can style my hair quickly and easy, without having to 'borrow' hair from other sections to conceal fine areas :)


    If you have very fine hair, dense packing is essential, and do not set your targets so high - it's very possible that you will need a second bulk up, so ensure that you keep an open mind when going ahead. As Spex told me the first HT is providing yourself with a platform which you can then build on.


    Of course that's not to say you will need a second HT - everyone is very different!


    Good luck with it, you're in very capable hands. Dr Feller is first class. I'll be interested to see how you get on.


    I'll probably post some new pics around the 8month pic, as hopefully they'll be some clear difference between that and my last 4month pics.


    Take care!


  6. God, if people are knocking Spex on here, then they are MILES wide of the mark, overly sceptical, or more likely, have some other sinister ulterior agenda on the go (or are simply jealous!)


    I agree with the original poster 200% (and everyone else on this thread for that matter).


    I first met Spex about 5 years ago, when he was travelling down to London off his own back and doing ultra-friendly, invaluable consults with confused guys like me. He has helped me LOADS and always instantly recommend others to have a chat with him whenever I notice other 'lost souls' wandering these forums.


    Even though he works for Feller (and as has been raised by others, he was doing it for free when I first met him) I certainly have never had the impression that he is entirely focused on ensuring hairloss sufferers go with Feller. He only recommends Feller because the doc did such an amazing job on himself (and many, many others), but he also speaks extremely highly of the other top surgeons, and offers unbiased advice.


    I'm really shocked and appalled that there should be some people in the community having a snipe at Spex, and I just hope that there aren't too many newbies who should fall for it, because Spex is simply a GREAT guy and unbelievably passionate about hair and helping others.


    Why there should be a vendetta against a top guy who's devoted SO much time to helping others and sharing his wisdom and experiences, is totally wrong. But of course there must be a few competitors out there who see this as the only way.


    You only need to read other threads praising his work. There must be a lot of them. Here's one for starters http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/159514-special-thanks-spex.html


    Cheers Spex for all the help you've given me.



  7. wow, I've just been reading through all the posts on here.


    JustAGuy - I'm truly sorry to hear about your problems, especially regarding the possibility of a 'failed' HT. I really hope you get to the bottom of it, and what the issue may be.


    With regards to the communication problems and the various vitriol that's being directed towards Dr Feller as a result of this thread, I do feel it's my duty to defend the Doc from personal experience. I've had 2 HTs with him, the first in 2008, the second 6 months ago, and the experiences couldn't have been any more pleasant. Unbelievably friendly staff and good communication from the Doc with very thorough consultations, primarily through my initial dealings with Spex in the UK - the picture that some are painting of Dr Feller here is the opposite of the one I've had dealing with.


    I've also been around on these forums for the last 4-5 years, and I've personally never come across a bad word said against the Doc. In fact, I had no hesitation in going with him, not just one, but twice.


    Spex was a major, major help throughout - I'm based in the UK and I had several IN PERSON consultations with him to talk about my problems, and at the time, he was even travelling into London to meet patients. He advised on blood work, payment etc, was 110% responsive to every question or concern I had, and I went to Feller with the utmost confidence.


    If you can't get through to Dr Feller, then speaking to Spex will definitely gauge an answer. I don't know if the guy actually ever sleeps!


    Of course I can't speak for JustAGuy and I hate wading into an argument, but the way that Dr Feller appears to be getting verbally whipped with some seemingly too eager to jump on the bandwagon, I just feel that I have to add my two pennie's worth and stand up for him. I personally recommend him highly.


    I hope that helps!


  8. Ditto. Spex helped me enormously as well. I'm just 4.5 months through my second HT with Dr Feller, can't wait to see the final results.


    Nicky - just checked out your pics. Amazing results! Only thing missing from your page are your pre-op pics! ;)


    For anyone based in UK, especially, definitely worth dropping Spex a line for some advice. Check out his website Spex uk hair transplant veteran |. Great guy, very happy to help and really knows his stuff.

  9. Hi whattodo,


    For something so important as an HT, you have to be totally confident that you're going with the right person. It's for life remember! I wouldn't even consider a company that has a previous poor reputation.


    I can't speak for what a lot of the UK docs are like these days, but when I first started researching HTs back in 2006, a lot of UK patients were travelling abroad as the overseas appeared to be significantly superior than the ones on our shores. I think you should be prepared to travel if that's what your research tells you, and it honestly isn't as much as a hindrance as it sounds. There's definitely a few world class docs on the other side, which scouring this forum will show you.


    I'd recommend getting in touch with Spex (Spex uk hair transplant veteran |) who is a UK based HT veteran and is full of great experience and advice, and has helped a lot of people, including me.


    Good luck with whatever you decide!


  10. Thanks for the reply Taking The Plunge.


    I've just been going through your own HT journey, and it seems that with the 2nd HT, it's when you really notice the difference. Like me and my fine hair, with the first HT, it's a slow waiting game, but your 2nd HT progress results are fantastic. Your hairline has really taken shape.


    I hope I enjoy similar success! :)


    See you at the 6month mark...

  11. Hi Hespeler


    I would really love to see your progress pics if you have any? Your case doesn't sound a million miles away from mine - very fine hair, lost shape at the hairline, but quite thick behind the hairline.


    I too am/was a slow grower, and am now 4months into a bulk up with Dr Feller, as my hair was just too fine to get the desired results from my first op.


    I've just posted my 4months pics. Even I can see a little bit of thickening happening this time though, but it is such a slooooooooooooooooooow process. Ive obviously got a long, long way to go myself and am probably jumping the gun in the way I'm trying to style my hair.


    I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on my pics, and whether my progress is any different/faster/slower/the same as yours.


    Good luck - it really is a patience game. Dr Feller is a top doc and I'm sure you'll be happy in the end!


  12. Hi guys,


    Following the hairline bulk-up of a previous op with Feller, here are my 4 months pics. There's definitely new growth spurting through as you can tell, as the hairline is already starting to look thicker.


    For those who can't recall my story, I have unbelievably fine natural hair. I had 2,167 grafts in 2007, but because of my unusual hair characteristics, a second bulk-up of 1,100 grafts was required.


    I'm now lingering in a horrible 'so close, yet so very, very far' phase, where after a brief bout of euphoria of having longish hair, I've suddenly started spending ages styling my hair again, prematurely trying to style it in a way that it's not ready for. Patience my man!


    I've included wet pics, dry pics, dry pics with the hair brushed forward (so you can see that there's still a LOT of thickening to happen), and styled pics with hairproduct in (wax, hairspray and a teeny bit of Mane).


    The acid test of course will be seeing whether the new transplanted hair, once matured, will be provide a thick enough hairline that can become part of my hairstyle, rather than something that I have to style over. I have to say at such an early stage, the signs are positive. Fingers crossed, eh? ;)


    I'll also re-post my 2months pics for a comparison. Unfortunately, due to a virus on Dr Feller's PC, I don't have the photos he took at the time of the op. Not yet anyway.


    Once again, many thanks to the MIGHTY SPEX for all his super-kind help and advice.









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