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Everything posted by mistermonitor

  1. I'm 26 years old and have been noticing thinning since I first turned 21. I was working and had put grease in my hair that day, I was slicking my hair back with my hands when a Co-worker told me not to put grease in my hair because it made me look like I was going bald. It has been a horrible battle with mirrors ever since that day. In the last two years I would say I noticed a very decent amount of thinning occurring at the temples. The vertex has been the problem that's really been bothering me. I spend every day covering up the thin spot and I have simply had enough. It's a very stressful thing to not be able to your hair wet, or to be extremely paranoid about the wind blowing your hair a certain way that might highlight the thin spot. I'm sure I'm not alone with this kind of paranoia,stress, and sadness. I have set up an appointment in october to meet up with a HTS specialist for a consultation. My question is to any knowledgeable people out there, judging by where my hair is at about how many grafts would I need to not look like im losing hair? On a side note, I started about a month ago doing scalp exercises, im able to move my ears by flexing my scalp, and everyday whenever I think about it im exercising the scalp above my eyes and on the top of my head. I'm very hopeful that through scalp exercise and possibly pills i'll be able to keep the hair I have. Before anyone asks, I have not had any propecia or anything like that. The truth is I have been too embarrassed to talk to anyone about the problem. Even a doctor. What I have decided on doing was to just go through with some transplants, continue with scalp exercises for the rest of my life, and start the medication after the transplantation is done, to keep the hair I have. Any thickening effects that may or may not occur be welcome. I have posted some photos of my hair spread in a way that highlights the thinning, and also some pics of how I wear it on a daily basis to hide the thinning. Thanks in advance for any info/advice anyone is willing to provide
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