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Posts posted by corvettester

  1. Yes, yes, and yes.


    Yes, hair will thicken, but that takes times and is more towards the later months...


    Yes, of course, they'll continue to grow in length and you'll have to have them cut like the rest of your hair.


    Yes, see my hair loss journal, as well as many others, where one side grows in faster than the other. Totally normal, though not necessarily the norm.


    Looks like you're right on track for a good result for what appears to be a small amount of grafts. How many exactly did you get?




  2. One more thing...


    Your crown is a non-issue. I think your problem is with the styling product you're using. It's greasing it down which causes it to separate in certain areas. It's not helping your hairline and frontal third either, in my opinion.


    You and I have very similar hair. You shouldn't use any gel, mouse, pomade or anything with a gloss finish. You should use a paste with a matte finish. This way, it will give you're hair volume, shape and the ability to style, without giving it the "wet" or "greased" look that actually spreads hair out and makes recession and hair loss more evident.


    Might I suggest trying Fat Boy, Shu Uemora Sculpting Paste, or Spice Sisters... They're not cheap, but they do wonders for guys with hair like ours. Report back and good luck!




  3. Man, I would not even consider lowering the hairline. Maybe beef up what you have and blunt the corners, but to lower your hair that much would be 3500 grafts. Think Corvettester.


    I'm sorry... did someone say my name?


    You're second rendition is much more realistic and doable in just one pass... I'm thinking 2,000 grafts. The first rendition, though possible, is probably a two pass job, but also a serious hit to your donor bank... I'm thinking 3,500-4,500 grafts.


    If I were you, I'd focus on aggressively closing the corners (widow's peak) with a much straighter line, as opposed to the more curved one you drew in both renditions. Since you have such pronounced temple points, close the corners sharply because it's the indention between the hairline and temple points that is making your hairline appear so high in the first place.


    Remember that everything is relative. It's not how low your hairline is, but rather how low it is relative to the indention of the corners and the temple points. So you close the corners and suddenly the high hairline is less of an issue. It's what I did and it solved 90% of my issues.


    This is why I've written so frequently about the importance of strong temple points (which you fortunately already have), because they put everything else into relative perspective.




  4. Depends upon how tall you are...


    If you're taller than average, 5'9" or above, I would go for option 2. However, if you're only average height or even short, I'd go for option 1.


    My reasoning is that thin crown will be much less noticeable if you're taller than most people because they'll always be looking upwards at you. If you're on the same level as most, or shorter, any hair loss will be much more evident. So the even spread would benefit more.



    Good luck!





  5. I am interested in C's perspective on why FUE is so much easier. Was it in terms of post-procedure recovery? Given the FUE was mainly tweaks, were you able to conceal the procedure after the redness died down or was it obvious for some time that you had some work done? Were you able to cover the donor area in the back with existing hair?


    It's easier in ever aspect, especially in the post-op recovery. I was literally back at work the very next day and I'm no hero when it comes to such things. See my review from my first procedure.


    My first FUT knocked me on my ass. I was in bed for days. It was painful, uncomfortable and I could hardly sleep. I was drugged up for over a week. Also, having the sutures removed was a painful and unpleasant experience.


    My second FUT was significantly easier than my first as I knew what to expect. Also, my body took to it better than the first. It was definitely less painful. However, still doesn't compare to how minimal FUE is.


    I was able to conceal the procedure very well in the donor and recipient area due to my long hair. However, I'm sure that inquiring eyes could have noticed if they tried, but I couldn't have cared less about that. I'm not embarrassed about my procedure... it fascinates me.


    If you've followed my experience and posts, you'd know that I am among the first to call BS on the "minimally invasive" term applied to FUT. It's only minimally invasive from a medical perspective, you know, like a colonoscopy. From a physical perspective, I found it to be extremely painful and uncomfortable. Fortunately, I had plenty of pain killers to make it bearable.


    I hope this clears it up.




  6. Wow inspiring results.


    I've had a high hairline my whole life too and am seriously looking at lowering it. You have great results but 3 procedures seems a lot of work and expensive.


    If you were starting all over again, would you go about it any different ?


    No, I wouldn't do it any differently because I needed more grafts than FUE could have accomplished in one session.


    As far as price is concerned, I don't really think it's that expensive considering what you're getting: a team of technicians, doctor, follow up care, etc... these things cost money. I put it on a no-interest payment plan and had them paid off in about 6 months.


    More importantly, the feeling of having a nice head of hair, a great result and not worrying about my receding anymore has been priceless...

  7. Quick question: I do notice a couple grey strands. Does your victorious quest for hair perfection include hair coloring?


    I noticed that too. It has to be a transplanted hair because the only place that I've ever had any grey hairs was on the sides.


    However, I don't do any hair coloring or highlights. I don't think that stuff is healthy for the hair, but maybe I'll change my mind if I tart to get a lot more grey in the near future. As for now, I just have the stray grey hair or two. Nothing noticeable unless, of course, you zoom in on my hair with a high res camera.

  8. Hey guys,


    So I ended up going in for my third HT back in mid September, just haven't got around to posting any pics.


    This time I elected for an FUE procedure. I have to say that it is every bit as easy and painless as everyone claims. It definitely was a breeze compared to FUT.


    I was pretty happy with the final result from first two HTs, however, there were still a few areas were I wanted more density. I'm hoping that this last procedure will take care of these trouble spots.


    Either way, there is a dramatic improvement from where I started. I was a NW3/NW3.5 and now I feel confident claiming NW1 status. I have a fairly strong hairline now and I cannot tell the difference between my native hair and the transplanted hair.


    Further, I feel completely confident in public wearing my hair combed back, fully revealing my hairline. In fact, I do so a few times a week now. I've had several people tell me that I look better with it combed back... more mature, more serious, etc...


    Funny story... I recently had the opportunity to meet Heidi Klum. The first thing she said to me was "I love your hair." I played it cool though, I was like "yeah, I just woke up... whatever, whatever..." I was totally going to ask her out, but I couldn't get her alone long enough, what with all the hair, makeup and wardrobe staff buzzing around... I wouldn't have even cared if she rejected me outright. I'd have asked her out just to say I had the balls to do so! She's a little out of my age range, but ya never know... LMFAO :cool:


    Long story short, I'm feeling pretty good about my hair these days. Thanks Dr. Dorin!




  9. Everyone I know noticed, but then again, it's because I showed everyone I know.


    Pretty much everyone thought it was the coolest thing since the iPad. They all asked a lot of questions and it started a lot of interesting conversations. It was like show and tell all over again. The funny thing is that, so far, women seem to be the most interested in the procedure, risks, costs and my motivations for undergoing it.


    I still don't understand why anyone should feel embarrassed or ashamed about it...





  10. Good photos, CT and welcome back. I imagine you used the timer feature or you had someone that is REALLY into cameras to take the slick backed wet shots because he's using the new Canon 5D Mark III. That is a very new and very nice piece of hardware. Although I'm a Nikon man I'm liking the Mark III.


    Looks like Joe has been reading my metadata...


    Actually, I took the photos: no tripod, no timer. It was a pain in the ass holding that heavy thing up for so long, and I had to take 50 pics just to get 5 that were useable! Autofocus is very challenging at arms length.


    I wish I had a prime lens, but instead I used my EF 24-70mm F/2.8 lens. I'll be getting the 85mm F/1.2 by my one year update, so I'm sure those pics will be even better.


    Yes, I'm the proud owner of the new 5D MarkIII. I use it mostly for video though since I work in film production. I got a lot of respect for Nikon though, especially their glass.




  11. Thanks for all the support, gentlemen.


    I finally figured out how to embed high resolution photos into the thread, so I added a bunch more to the original post. It's crazy cause you can zoom in on individual hairs and see definition unlike anywhere else. I also added some "harshest possible conditions" pics with my hair wet and combed back. Bear in mind that some of the hairs are very immature so that are still a little wispy and wiry. I'm sure they'll be all sorted out in the next couple of months.


    Hopefully, with these pics you'll be able to see why I want to go back for another couple hundred grafts. Just a little refinement is all I want. I reckon that my transplanted hair is somewhere between 50-65% of native density. I want it to be a full 65% of native density...


    Am I being unrealistic? Any thoughts on my density?




  12. Levrais,


    Hey buddy, long time...


    I'll do my third and final procedure in the next month or two. It's already been a full 10 months since my last procedure so I'm in the clear now. I'm just working a lot these days so I don't really have the time.





    Yeah, 500 would probably be the maximum that I'd want. It be mostly to line the hairline, dense pack it so that it looks completely flawless and a few other areas here and there. It'll probably end up being more like 300 or so grafts.




  13. Here I am at 10 months post-op from my second FUT. It's coming along well and I'm very pleased with the result so far.


    My right and left temples have filled in very well and the hair lays very naturally and is easy to manage. There is essentially no difference in texture or lay between my native hair and the transplanted hair.


    My temple peaks are looking just great. They're well defined and clearly delineated. For the first time in my life, I feel comfortable in public wearing my hair combed back, which I do with increasing frequency.


    My crown and midsection continue to hold strong. No noticeable thinning or loss since my first HT.


    Most of my problem areas have been corrected. The only part that continues to bedevil me is a circular area in the immediate center of the hairline, which is still a little sparse. It doesn't look bad or anything, but it's not as dense as the rest.


    Therefore, I've opted to return to Dr. Dorin for a third hair transplant to address this small area and to further refine the hairline. For my next procedure, I will undergo a small FUE session of approximately 250-500 grafts FUE. It's really more of a touch up, I don't really need it, but I do want it.


    Your comments are welcomed...






    To view the photos at full resolution, please click on individual thumbnails:



    This next set of pics I took at with freshly washed hair, in part natural and part fluorescent lighting. Bear in mind that these last few are an attempt to show my HT in the "harshest possible conditions." They're deliberately shot an unflattering, up-close with harsh lighting...


  14. Yeah, I'll post my 10 month update in a couple days, stay tuned. It's looking great.


    Yeah, NW2/2.5 is about right. Thus, 1,200 grafts should do you well. I've always maintained that men with thick, black hair are among the best candidates for hair transplants because a little bit goes such a long way.


    However, I remember you mentioning on several occasions that you had the scalp condition Cutis Verticis... I see no sign of it in the photos you posted. If you have any pics where it is detectable, I'd be interested to see.




  15. Hollllly Shit! Spanker finally decides to take the plunge... and you even posted some pics for us all to see! To tell you the truth, after all this time, I was expecting a lot worse, bro.


    I think 1,200 is just about right for you and judging by your hair characteristics, maybe even a little on the high side... You're definitely starting from a very enviable position as you look to be about a NW2.


    Good call on Dr. Konior too. I'm sure it'll turn out great, so I don't want to hear any griping. You, of all people, should not be worrying: you've more than done your due diligence.



    All the best,



  16. Archi,


    I haven't checked in on you in a while and I wasn't expecting to see such a dramatic transformation. It's looking really, really good. One of the better results I've seen in a while. Fortunately, you still have a long way to go too.


    By the way, I would definitely recommend growing it out a bit like you suggested in my thread. You need to start seeing a new hair stylist too. Yes, that's right, a hair stylist, not a barber. Someone who understands that you should never cut the bangs straight across... just trying to help, bro!




  17. What's more, judging from the photos, you seem to have very fine hair and a relatively thin donor area. The fact that it's undetectable at this length should be very encouraging for those with thicker, coarser hair and a dense donor area. I imagine that such patients can probably get away with a #2 if they really wanted...


    The rest seems to be coming in nicely too. I'm right there with you at 6 months post-op. Things are getting very interesting for us now...




  18. I fine you're hairline looks like pubic hair..




    You're absolutely right: the initial new growth totally looks like pubes! lol! Fortunately, due to my first HT, they blend well with the surrounding hair so it's not noticeable, unless you take a close up still photo as I have done.


    Yes, I'm still in the ugly duckling phase.


    That is how it is for many of us and that it how it was after my first procedure too. Of course, that is only for the first inch or two of growth. Afterwards, as it matures, it comes out quite nicely and is indistinguishable from the native, surrounding hair. I cannot tell the difference and I don't know how anyone else could either...


    For your edification, let me direct you to a thread I started, with several photos, where we discuss at length immature, new growth. Here you'll be able to see the actual hairs up close in all their pubescent glory! For more pics, check out my Hair Restoration Journal entry on the subject, links below.




    Hair Restoration Journal -New Growth Update




  19. Gentlemen,


    Here I am at 6 months post-op from my second hair transplant with Dr. Dorin. It’s going pretty well and I’m more than satisfied with the overall result and yield thus far. It’s good to know that I still have quite a bit of maturing to look forward to and perhaps a little more new growth.


    All of my problem areas from my first procedure have been addressed and rectified. For example, I now have a right temple peak! It’s coming along nicely. My left temple has filled in well too. The immediate center of my hairline is much better and I’m sure that in another 6 months will look on par with the rest of my frontal third.


    A few things worth mentioning… I experienced virtually no numbness post-op, significantly less pain, much quicker recovery and a fraction of the pimples that I had after my first procedure. More importantly, I quit obsessing over my hair transplant and rarely think about it.


    Also, my scar is coming along quite nicely. I saw it for the first time yesterday and couldn’t have been more pleased. It’s a little itchy and tingly these days because hairs are growing through, which is a good thing. It will be well hidden.


    It looks good and I no longer have a widow’s peak. For the first time in my life, I have worn my hair combed back in social situations on two separate occasions. All in all, I’m quite happy. I’m sure that this is going to turn out to be a great result.


    You can find more pics in my hair loss blog, link below... wasn't my best hair day and these pics do no justice to the actual result. It looks great in person!














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