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Everything posted by bald007

  1. Thank you! So, does supplement help with faster hair growth or that's also a myth?
  2. Hello - I have had hair transplant end of November 2023 at Eugenix and just crossed 2 month mark. Currently I am taking Oral minoxidil 2.5mg Finasteride 1mg Biotin 10mg I also read some people taking MSM, Soluble Vitamin C, Saw Palmetto and many more. Do we have a list of supplements and medications that are proven to work (other than what I am taking)? I know Biotin is debatable but that's what was recommended to me by Eugenix. Also, what's the impact of iRestore laser therapy units? Does it help with hair regrowth?
  3. Hello - I did my HT with Eugenix end of November 2023. I am reaching 2 month mark and could see hairs growing almost everywhere except a patch of area where I am not seeing anything yet, is this normal? Based on looking on this forum I gathered that I need to have patience and hair should start growing around 4-6 month mark, but wanted to get it run by experts here.
  4. I noticed more hair loss after I moved to California and sped up loss as well. So, is it a myth or truth that water has an impact on the hair loss and speed of hair loss? Also, washing hair with hot water vs cold water, does that have any impact on the hair loss as well?
  5. I understand for an individual this entire process of hair transplant and all of the phases including planning, designing, slits, implantation is all important but with the trend emerging that lead doctors only get involved in the planning/designing and slits and then techs taking it further what should one consider as the most important step?
  6. I have surgery with Eugenix in November but already nervous and anxious thinking about it. Those who have done the HT, from 1 to 10 how painful the numbness injections are? And specifically the ones given in the jawline for extraction? Any tips that I should keep in mind?
  7. Hello - First of all thanks for all your help, answers, clarifications, it really helped me narrow down on the clinic. I am Norwood 5 and after lot of deliberation have decided to go with Eugenix and have scheduled a surgery next month. I am bit nervous as this is a big decision for me and concerned with the surgery, post care instructions and entire process. I have been recommended to do Front and Crown both in two days, with around 4500 grafts, could someone please tell me what are the things I need to keep in mind for? Hairline design (discussion and questions with Dr) post care instructions hair wash (I plan on doing this at Eugenix itself) follow ups I also have a family function to attend in 12 days after HT, so is that a good amount of time for all the redness on the scalp/beard to be gone and look normal?
  8. What's typical cost of SMP? Is it safe on the skin? I have never heard of SMP before so had to look up on that but based on what I saw the results are amazing! Also, what happens to existing hair, does it always need to be kept short?
  9. I did reach out but they are not providing online consultation and asked for in person consultation. They didn't provide how many grafts are needed but said it depends from person to person and that's why in person will give more accurate estimate. So, I have to fly to Belgium to get an estimate or wait for him to be in the states (which is uncertain for now due to COVID) Also, I found them to be bit expensive compared to Eugenix and Dr Bicer.
  10. 6th HT Wow! I was like let's wrap it in one session 😆
  11. Thanks! I was looking at the cases on Eugenix site for NW6 level and saw that most of the cases had over 5000 grafts but still not enough density, I may have unrealistic expectations but would they be able to give enough density with 3000 grafts?
  12. Eugenix told me that I need 3000 grafts (including beard ones) to restore the frontal look whereas Dr Bicer said 4000. I am not sure based on what they get to this number.
  13. Bit scared with scar and also looking for faster recovery time.
  14. Appreciate your clarification on this. 1. My beard hairs are somewhat similar to scalp, both straight 2. I have strong beard growth and get my stubble look quickly between 24 to 48 hours. I'll pass on these details to Eugenix.
  15. Yes, Eugenix did talk about using Beard grafts. Dr Bicer didn't say about using beard grafts originally but when I asked explicitly about that, said it's not great source and can't guarantee the result.
  16. Hello Fellow members - I have been struggling with hair loss for very long and right now at NW6. It has definitely taken a toll on my confidence and after a lot of battle I am thinking of going for HT. After reading a lot of reviews and seeing the results and initial consultations (virtual), I have narrowed down two clinics, 1. eugenix India 2. Dr Bicer Turkey eugenix initially said I'd need around 4700 grafts, 2500 to cover the front and mid scalp and 2000 for the crown in one session. Later one of the Dr looked at the donor area picture carefully and said they can only do frontal part and crown after a year as my donor area is weak. Dr Bicer on the other hand said I'd need 4000 grafts for the front and mid scalp and nothing for crown due to weak donor. They said to revisit the crown after the result of the first HT. This is a tough choice between the two, price wise they are the same unless I go with higher package with eugenix. Does anyone have any experiences and have any recommendations here? I personally like that Dr Bicer will be performing the surgery herself, whereas on the eugenix side it'll be the trained experts.
  17. Hi David, Thanks for the quick reply and my apology for taking very long in responding. Got busy with few other things and out of state travel, few it’s not easy!! Appreciate your advice about holding off from HT, first even I was little hesitant about the surgery but after debating with myself over long time, I felt that it would be better to just take this risk once, rather than looking myself in mirror everyday and feel devastated about my hair. So, right now I have almost made my decision that I’ll be going for HT. Re: HT with Dr Madhu. Yes, I have seen a lot of pictures on his website but on this forum I found only one such example and that’s why I was concerned. Also, one of the picture on this forum, shows the scar and that is holding me off from going with Dr Madhu. Thanks,
  18. Hi, I joined this community today only but was following the posts and other updates from last few months. Basically, I am suffering from Hair Loss and was looking for HT which costs less and gives me natural look. Earlier after doing some research, I was thinking about Dr Armani, but he was very pricey and then I found this forum (thank god) and all the history about him, so ruled out that as an option. Further continuing my research, I heard a lot about Dr Pathuri Madhu and his work on this forum and was impressed by looking at patient results. His pricing is also affordable and more over, I also have a planned trip to India this December. So, I reached out to him with my pictures, and he suggested that with around 2700 grafts my front area can be developed, (60-70 sq.cm) Since this is a life changing decision, I would like to get it run by seniors that What are the things that I should keep in mind before going for HT? Is it safe to go for the surgery? and most importantly Is Dr Madhu good surgeon? Few additional points/concerns, I am planning to attend a marriage so shaving transplant is not an option for me, it appears that doctor charges extra for non shaving transplant. This is fine because their work increases drastically when doing non shaving transplant. But my concern here is that, would it make any difference to me w.r.t growth of the transplanted grafts? And I am also living far from the doctor’s clinic, so I have to go for absorbable sutures and guess what, doctor charges extra for this too. Anyways, I am not worried about the price because if result of the procedure is going to be good then this is worth the shot. Actually, I am worried about vertex area but doctor says that we can treat that with medicines, but I don’t want to take lifelong medication. Also, because of minoxidil I was getting lots of itching, and that was the reason I stopped using it but doctor says that I can use Minoxidil foam and that should be good for scalp. Any ideas on this? What about the scar and other complications? Also, all the patient blogs on this forum seems to have pictures either before surgery and/or day after surgery and few months, I couldn’t find any patient pictures that were having grown transplanted hairs. Did I miss any case here? Thanks in advance for your help
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