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Everything posted by benjy

  1. Hi everyone, My situation I have loaded up photos of me and have been to personally see Feriduni & Devoyre in Belgium as i heard they where the best and i live in London. They both seemed nice I would say that Feriduni was more attentative to me and my needs i.e personally drawing a hair line on me talking about exactly what I wanted to talk about etc.. The problem I have is Feriduni said I should have 4000 grafts and Devroyre said 3000. Devroyre said that it is nearly impossible for people to have over 4000 in one sessions he says the maths makes it highly impossible and that they are being clever with how they are wording what they are doing over in America/Canada producing 4000+ surgeries namely Wong, Shapiro & Rahal.....But then Feriduni is offering me 4000. To be honest people I feel a bit sick about this. I would like to get it done, I would like full coverage (not Brad Pitt level obviously). But I don’t know who to believe or can I get decent coverage? The other small Questions I had, and I’d appreciate anyone’s discuss on this are as follows: What is the definition of a graft in terms of HT? Am i to young (30yrs old)? I really want full coverage i.e. reasonable hair line, and crown area covered, what would be a reasonable estimate for coverage of a 3V-5, as I believe I am a 3V now but will maybe eventually go to a 5? So if I have 4000 no in my first procedure, how many can I use roughly (ball park) for my final/2nd procedure? Will I have enough to get the coverage...... Just a couple of stats about me to aid your advice: - 30yrs old. - Propecia, multi vitamins, gym 3-4 x a week. - Donor density was 80 per cm2. - Good Laxity. - Suffer with medium sebborea/dandruff Please anyone.
  2. benjy


  3. benjy

    From the album: 10.11.2009

  4. benjy

    From the album: 10.11.2009

  5. benjy

    From the album: 10.11.2009

  6. benjy

    From the album: 10.11.2009

  7. benjy

    From the album: 10.11.2009

  8. benjy

    From the album: 10.11.2009

  9. benjy

    From the album: 10.11.2009

  10. benjy

    From the album: 16.04.09

  11. benjy


  12. benjy

    From the album: 16.04.09

  13. benjy

    From the album: 16.04.09

  14. benjy

    Hair Situation on: 20/07/2010

    I have wittled it down to two surgeons: Feriduni & Devroyre. The problem is Feriduni is saying 4000 and Devroyre is saying 3000. I have seen them both personally, and dont know why there is such a big difference!??!?! Help please.
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