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Everything posted by CBN

  1. (Removed) I changed my posts to reflect only my first-hand experience with VSC. I have no idea what you are talking about nor am I interested. Does this site have a moderator?
  2. I received fewer grafts at VSC than was recommended for economic reasons. I will follow-up with VSC for further consultation because my initial reaction to them as posted on 09-09-2010 has been the only direct source of information that I have and that was an experience that was very positive. My recommendation to anyone looking for HT is to talk directly to people who may be doing the procedure and VSC should be on your list.
  3. My own experience with VSC was positive.
  4. I had my HT procedure done at VSC. It is way too early to determine results. However, the staff was great. They clearly are patient-focused. I didn't feel as though as was on a graft assembly line. They worked with me financially. If the results come close to their customer service, I will be very satisfied.
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