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New Real Hair Club Member

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  1. Hi everyone, I'm a 19 year old guy and unfortunately I'm experiencing some thinning hair. I visited a hair clinic and I was told that I'm experiencing DUPA (diffuse unpatterned alopecia) and so a hair transplant is out of the question. Since it's completely unknown what truly causes it (just my luck!), whether or not the medications will work is a toss-up. Nevertheless, around Christmas last year I started taking finasteride, and a month later I started applying minoxidil (I use some of it on my hairline, not just on the crown). So, as of today, I've been on finasteride for about 8 months and on minoxidil for 7 months. When I began the treatments I noticed some shedding; I was pleased because I was told that this indicated the drug(s) was working. The shedding wore off after a bit, and since then I'm pretty sure that my hair has gotten thicker. The crown seems fuller for sure, while my hairline seems somewhat fuller. However, I'll still go through periods of shedding, or what seems to be rather increased hair loss. The past week, for example, I've noticed hair on my pillow when I wake up -- this is unusual. When I'm in the shower, I'll notice about 20ish strands of hair on my hands after shampooing and then after conditioning. The strange part is that the hair on my crown seems to be mostly stable; it's mostly the hair in the front that goes through this "shedding." Has anyone experienced this? Is periodic shedding normal, even several months into finasteride/minoxidil treatment? Why would the hair in front be more susceptible, even if it seems to have gotten somewhat fuller? Also, is there anyone here who has DUPA and can tell me of their experiences? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
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