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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Thanks for the advice raphael. also to add: i have a bald patch on the side of my head. Through research, I think it's called Alopecia.
  2. Hey All! Need your help. New to all of this but just can't find enough information. I've been taking Proscar, 1.25mg/day for the last 2 months and religiously using the laser comb for the past yr, but my hair is still thinning - dramatically! My hair is not only thinning (losing in diameter) but whenever I take a shower i just see my hair shed like crazy. I see some baby hairs growing on my hair line but not enough to cover my hair loss. I'm about to go on a 2 month trip to India and I'm scared that when I come back my hair will be all gone. I feel like I'm doing everything to keep my hair healthy but it doesn't seem to be working. Am I missing something? and what can I do on my trip to help maintain my hair? Thanks, M
  3. Hey All! Need your help. New to all of this but just can't find enough information. I've been taking Proscar, 1.25mg/day for the last 2 months and religiously using the laser comb for the past yr, but my hair is still thinning - dramatically! My hair is not only thinning (losing in diameter) but whenever I take a shower i just see my hair shed like crazy. I see some baby hairs growing on my hair line but not enough to cover my hair loss. I'm about to go on a 2 month trip to India and I'm scared that when I come back my hair will be all gone. I feel like I'm doing everything to keep my hair healthy but it doesn't seem to be working. Am I missing something? and what can I do on my trip to help maintain my hair? Thanks, M
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