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Everything posted by htdc

  1. Hello Everyone, I have some questions regarding the transition away from a system after an HT procedure. I have been using a system (tape + glue) for a number of years now. Recently (a little over a week ago), I underwent an HT procedure. Everything has worked out well so far. I have stayed at home and have had full privacy thus far and have not had to go back to using my system. I am however very concerned about returning to my place of work - which will have to happen in another few days. I will also lose the full privacy that I had at home starting in about a couple of weeks. More specifically, I will not always have the luxury of taking the system off at night when I go to sleep. I imagine that there have been several others in a similar position and am writing to ask about your experiences and your wisdom. I have teh following specific questions: 1. Several web sites and doctors have recommended that after the first ten days, on can go to back to wearing a system, but insist that this has to be a "clip based" system with the use of a small amount tape in the front. While this might work during the day, it will be very difficult for me to go to sleep with thus type of a system on. Have people done this? 2. As an alternative to a clip based system, could one use a purely tape based system while changing the tape on a daily basis - so that the transplanted area can be shampooed etc ? Of course, I realize that the tape cannot go over any of the transplanted areas... 3. Is it possible to use some other type of system at night while sleeping (one that uses neither tape nor clips) and then revert to the regular system during the day time? I realize that the transplanted area needs to be able to breathe and I will have frequent opportunities during the day time to do this. My main issue is that I cannot be system-less at night when I sleep and need to figure a way to work this out. Any thoughts would be very helpful If relevant: I am about a Norwood 5. HT was 2350 grafts focusing on the front and leaving the crown to possibly be covered by a subsequent HT. PS. I am new to this forum and wasn't quite sure as to which sub forum to submit thus post to. It has also been posted in another sub forum. Sorry for teh duplication.
  2. Hello Everyone, I have some questions regarding the transition away from a system after an HT procedure. I have been using a system (tape + glue) for a number of years now. Recently (a little over a week ago), I underwent an HT procedure. Everything has worked out well so far. I have stayed at home and have had full privacy thus far and have not had to go back to using my system. I am however very concerned about returning to my place of work - which will have to happen in another few days. I will also lose the full privacy that I had at home starting in about a couple of weeks. More specifically, I will not always have the luxury of taking the system off at night when I go to sleep. I imagine that there have been several others in a similar position and am writing to ask about your experiences and your wisdom. I have teh following specific questions: 1. Several web sites and doctors have recommended that after the first ten days, on can go to back to wearing a system, but insist that this has to be a "clip based" system with the use of a small amount tape in the front. While this might work during the day, it will be very difficult for me to go to sleep with thus type of a system on. Have people done this? 2. As an alternative to a clip based system, could one use a purely tape based system while changing the tape on a daily basis - so that the transplanted area can be shampooed etc ? Of course, I realize that the tape cannot go over any of the transplanted areas... 3. Is it possible to use some other type of system at night while sleeping (one that uses neither tape nor clips) and then revert to the regular system during the day time? I realize that the transplanted area needs to be able to breathe and I will have frequent opportunities during the day time to do this. My main issue is that I cannot be system-less at night when I sleep and need to figure a way to work this out. Any thoughts would be very helpful If relevant: I am about a Norwood 5. HT was 2350 grafts focusing on the front and leaving the crown to possibly be covered by a subsequent HT.
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