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Everything posted by jkrav

  1. I used Rogaine for 5 months and did not see any improvement what so ever. My hairloss has been confined to the hairline and happened over a period of 2 months. This was about 2 years ago. Since then I have not noticed any further recession. There is no history of male pattern baldness in my family which leads me to believe that this hair loss was stress related. I know DHT is responsible for hairloss in some of us and genetics play a role in others but I believe that in my case, the stress and anxiety is the culprit. I have a few white hairs from the experience as well. I have overcome that and things are fine these days I simply want my hairline back, and also the confidence to take my cap off in public. Thanks for the feedback so far guys! : )
  2. I saw Dr. Feller for an initial consultation 6 or 7 months ago and I am going back for a second meeting in Sept. I am going to be 24 and all I want is my hair line back. The hair loss is limited to my hairline and really makes me feel/look much older than I want to at this point in my life. I have seen some great results from Dr. Feller and I am excited about going through with this. He told me that we would need about 1500 grafts to rebuild the hairline but he did not want to bring it back down to what it was originally in the case of further loss. I have not noticed any further hair loss for the past year and I know that I experience this because I was going through a stressful time and not eating right/not exercising. Anyways I have attached some pics let me know what you think...
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