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Everything posted by fabolouz

  1. Thank you all for your input, I will once more try to find the right thing to do and get a closer regarding HT. If I could work on my hairline and some in the front, I would be happy to have that look in the future because I have had a short look for over 8 years now. The only thing that I don?t want is that it gets totally bald on the top and get that shining baldness if you guys know what I mean. Once again thank you, and if you have more recommendation I would gladly take them.
  2. Hi Members! I have been doing I lot of research and it has probably going on for more then four years now and its just making me more confused then before. So I am posting here to make a decision to either do a HT or just give this up! This is my first thread, and the questions I had is concerning FUE and Strip. My first choose is of course FUE because of the short hairstyle I would prefer but from the info on this website and from other research I had done, you get I better result from Strip if its more then 700 graft? Is this true? I have been in contact with a couple of DR but I have just send pictures of me to two offices. DR feller and Dr Epstein The office from Dr feller (New York) told me that it was to late for me to get an Hair transplant, and even if the guy that I had contact with was aggressive in his emails I kind of appreciated it. I see that many recommend this DR Feller on this website so is there maybe an other explanation to why the would say that I wasn’t I good candidate? Speaking to Dr Epstein (in Miami) office they said this was untrue and I could do an FUE and get I great result. They recommended between 2,200-2,600 grafts. The contact I had with this office was very good, they were professional and was careful of giving me false hope, and there website is the only one I have found that has several pictures from black men. Could anyone give some feedback regarding doing a Hair Transplant as a black man that lives in Europe? Thank you fore your time and I would very much appreciate your feedback, as you know the feeling of finding the right DR and information.
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