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New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Hey Everyone, Any assistance or insight you could provide regarding a problem I am having would be greatly appreciated. Please read on! I used Rogaine Foam applied twice daily from December 2008 until about September 1, 2010 as a part of my standard post-operation procedures which also include 1.25 mg of Proscar daily. I had a procedure to restore a receding hairline. My results have been awesome but I have recently been experiencing some sort of dermatological issue. About a month ago I noticed an itchy, red patch just below my "new" hairline about 1/2" below my hairline and about 1" toward the inside of my right temple. The patch was about the size of a fifty cent piece. Initially, the area was only dry and itchy but as I scratched it, it became red, raised and welted. I looked closely in the mirror and noticed small hairs growing from the area. These hairs were very fine...almost like cilia. I assumed this was one of those common side effects of Rogaine so I ceased the administration of the foam ( I am still taking the 1.25 mg. of Proscar) and shaved the hairs off with an electric razor. I also started using a dermatological cream provided to me by my girlfriend...Bactroban Cream (2% Mupirocin Calcium) on the irritated area. The cream has helped moderately but now I have been experiencing similar symptoms all over my forehead. Various areas on my forehead "flare up" with redness, itching, welts, dryness and bumps. Some of them appear as far down as my brow area. Heretofore, I have been applying various creams to moisten the areas and Nioxin Scalp Therapy (Love this stuff!!) works very well to cool them but they just keep coming back. I have an appointment with a dermatologist in about a month but I am wondering if these patches are related to my prolonged use of Rogaine on my frontal hairline. I know for a fact that I often hastily applied the stuff to my hairline and the foam also got applied to my upper forehead skin near my hairline. Could the Rogaine be the problem? Has anyone else had this experience? I have stopped using the Rogaine so I am hopeful that, if Rogaine is the culprit, the condition will subside once the effects of theRogaine wear off? Any insights as to the cause of this condition or any useful treatments would be greatly appreciated. The flare ups are very embarassing and demoralizing. Thanks,
  2. Hey everyone, I am back. Almost ten months after my surgery and my results have been awesome. My receding hairline is gone baby! I can't wait to reach the point of full maturity around 12 to 17 months. Anyway, I have a few questions. Just this week I noticed a slightly swollen area on the transplanted area of my hairline. About an inch back of my hairline above my right temple. My girlfriend indicates that it appears that some of the hairs have become ingrown and the entire area around the hair shaft and follicle have become red, swollen and painful. She has tried to "pop" the swollen area like a pimple but it appears that it is too soon. She actually "plucked" a few of the hairs from the area...I presume a few hairs from the same follicular unit. First question...how do I deal with the infected area? Should I "pop" the soon too be "ripe" mound of puss? Second question...regarding the hairs that she plucked. Will new hairs grow back from that follicular unit? Is the unit itself safely embedded after ten months? Any responses will be greatly appreciated. I will eventually post pictures probably at the 1 year mark. BillyGlenn
  3. Thanks for the info. Smoothy. More of my transplanted hair is shedding. It will probably all be gone very soon.
  4. I am going to take a picture tonight which would be 14 days post op and then each month post op so I will post pics later on. Thanks for the replies guys!
  5. This is my first post so I am excited to hear the answers to my questions. Glad to be aboard. I was a 37 year old NW 2 with recession in my frontal hairline and temples. The rest of my hair is in great shape. I had a hairline and temple restoration procedure with DR. Keene on 12/22/08. I am excited as hell about getting back my hairline! At 13 days out I have experienced minimal to moderate shedding primarily from my twice daily application of Rogaine (foam). I am probably experiencing some shedding during my daily shower also. I have noticed that the remaining transplanted hair is growing. The hairs are getting longer but they appear to be thin and weak. I am getting nervous that I might end up with a "patchy" look if this is the quality of my hair density in the long run. Is there a chance that even though this hair is growing that it will still shed? I may be overreacting because the rest of my hair is long (including my bangs which allow for concealment) so I can't really compare the density of these short transplanted hairs (taken from a shorter cut donor area)to similarly short native hair. Should I expect more shedding of the transplanted hairs? Is it realistic to be worried about the quality of these remaining transplanted hairs at this point? Maybe if I retain some of these transplanted hairs they will thicken up? Thanks in advance for your replies. I am glad to be aboard! Billy
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