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Everything posted by Iceman44

  1. Have anyone heard of Summit Hair Restoration based of Clearwater FL? I am concerned about their work quality and reputation. If anyone has some information about them that would like to share it with me, I would really appreciate. I am planning on making an appointment within the next few days. Thank you in advance. :cool:
  2. Thank you for the information, it was helpful. The two medication that you mentioned are more for the back top of the head, and not the front, so I may need a surgery after all. Also I am gonna post another thread asking forum members if they heard about Summit Hair restoration in clearwater.
  3. Are there any medications that can re-grow hairs? I have minimal lost of hair, and I haven’t been losing more, however on the front, both sides the hair growth is very minimal and slow, especially the left side the hairs are thin. I can live with the amount of lost hairs, however would like to grow the sides, of course when I say re-grow I don’t mean new hairs growth, but the thin hairs. My goal is to have long hair again but I cannot do that without having the side growing. I tried Biotin and I have seen no results. I can plant hair, I just think it is very early cause I am still young and I would like to try other options before I end up with a surgery of which I cannot afford at the moment. Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in a advance.
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