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Posts posted by pablo

  1. Thanks man, I'm happy so far anyway coming upto 5 months. With all FUE there will be some scarring but its disguised alot better.I'm sure if I wet shaved my head you could see some evidence. I've had it shaved back and sides down to a number 2 and there was zero evidence of scarring.My hair isn't the thickest either. I'm shaving it down to a 1 tomorrow so I'll see how that turns out.

  2. I use extra virgin oil on my face and my hairline where I've had a transplant 5 months ago, as its good for the skin and hair. Warming it up enhances its effectiveness also. I have not been advised to do this though just thought it can only do good as my skin drys out sometimes.

  3. Anyone know if this product is good?

    I had never heard of it until today but they claim it avoids some of the big issues that other concealers have, like smearing onto pillow cases and being disrupted in the rain or wind.

    I dont even use concealers but thought it looked like a good improvement from what I've seen.

  4. I'm 4.5 months post op from 2100 grafts to restore my hairline with Dr Cole and have no noticable scarring whatsoever. I also got 800 free grafts, as I think I underestimated how far the 1300 I agreed to pay for would go. I've got a few pictures and I'm going to carry on documenting my progress, so in a month or two i'll post them

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