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Everything posted by VinnyRaptor

  1. I'll try to upload some pics. Remember it's just my opinion about Dermmatch and take it for what it's worth. I'm not telling anyone to buy it, in fact for the longest time I thought it was rubbish.
  2. I was very unhappy with my hair transplant lately and was trying to decide what steps to take. Should I get more transplanted? No way. Should I shave and then figure a way to cover up the scars? This seems to be very complicated and so so results. How about a rug? Too hot and couldn't take getting outed. I started to look into concealers and read about the good results with Dermmatch. I looked under my sink and found a container of Dermmatch I had sitting there for about 3 years! It was a big mess the first time I tried it but, I said what the heck let me try it again. Like someone said in one of the post; you just take an extra minute and apply it as directed each morning. The results are amazing. I would say it at least doubled the density of my hair! It cover up alot of exposed scalp. I don't have to worry about every hair having to be in perfect position to cover thin areas. It also covered up some gray and made me look a little bit younger. I comb my hair straight back and I look like a not as fat Steven Segal. The down sides are some time the dye gets on the sink. And I'm waiting to have someone ask if I'm dying my hair. I'll just say I'm using some Grecian formula and say I was sick of the gray! Thanks to all the helpful people here. After thinking this stuff is crap, I'm so much happier now and wouldn't have done it without all the good info here.
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