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Everything posted by slister142

  1. I had a transplant last monday, so I am 9 days out. I was told after 7 days I could play basketball. Tonight in a league game I got hit in the head pretty hard. I never bled but it is a little red and irritated, almost like a rug burn in the right temple area. Looks like a couple of the stubbly hair did come out, but did I lose the graft with no blood. Praying I did not lose any.
  2. Is it safe to use a chemical straightener on my hair 6 weeks post op. Transplant went well, healed fast and all the stubs fell out. My hair gets really frizzy and the only thing that calms it down is the straightener. Don't in anyway want to affect the grafts, I was told that after healing and about 3 weeks there was nothing I could do to hurt them , please advise
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