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Posts posted by Louise

  1. Hi Horses12..


    "Is it possible if you get a ht with 3000 grafts you could get more hair at a lower cost than 4000 grafts that have been sliced down to alot of singles."



    ABSOLUTELY!! Most clinics keep the follicular units intact...Much has been written on this forum about this very subject. You should do a search, you might be surprised by how much information has been shared over the years.


    I hope this helps.

  2. An average Norwood 7 patient can usually get about 7000 to 8000 grafts in 3 visits but would love to have 12000 grafts. A Norwood 6 or less patient usually stops having hair transplants before they run out of donor hair.


    The total number does vary from person to person, depending on donor laxity and density. With past donor closure techniques the scar tended to get slightly wider with each visit and the scalp got tighter.


    Since Dr. Simmons has adopted 2-layer trichophytic closure techniques presented by Dr. Tykocinsky and Dr. Parsley and modified them a little, the scars stay narrower and the scalp is not tightening as much after each session. It is too early to tell whether this will translate into more grafts being available in a lifetime or not.

  3. rws,


    It is common for patients to feel numbness in the recipient area. The recipient area can be numb for 6 to 8 weeks after a hair transplant. Rarely it can take longer for the feeling to come back.


    I hope this helps.





  4. Hairs often times do come off with the crusts. No need to worry, it's normal.


    We tell our patients to begin shampooing their recipient area on the 5th day post op - gently messaging the crusts using their fingertips. They can expect that some of the crusts may lift off and some hairs may also come off with them.


    Be careful not to pick at any of the crusts.


    Many patients are anxious at this time, but try not to worry. The grafts are quite secure and will only come out with forceful rubbing, picking or trauma.


    As long as you follow your clinic's follow up instructions, everything should be OK.


    I hope this helps.

  5. This female patient is in her early 40’s. She had always had a receded hairline and felt this limited her hair styling options. She wanted to grow bangs but they wouldn’t stay in place and the recessions would show. She had wavy, average to coarse black hair.


    2541 FUG’s were transplanted to re-establish her hairline and increase the density within her fronto-temporal recessions.


    These photos were taken 8 months after her hair transplant surgery. She is very happy with her hair is able to wear her hair with bangs and pushed back into a ponytail.

















  6. Hi Stevelkinevil,


    Most patients experience some degree of swelling. Don't worry - it is normal.


    Many patients describe the amount of post-op swelling as mild-moderate and some patients experience more. (Some have described their appearance as 'Klingon -like'...if you are familiar with Star Trek).


    Usually, the swelling peaks on the forth day post-op and then begins to subside. Immediately post-op, there are a few steps that one can take to reduce the amount of swelling, but once the swelling has appeared, unfortunately, you just have to let it run it's course.


    You may have some swelling for another day or so but it sounds like the swelling is already starting to dissipate. In another day or so, the swelling will likely be gone.

  7. Hi BadServiceBuster,


    Just as Dr. Charles suggested, Dr Simmons also recommends waiting 4 weeks after a hair transplant before coloring.


    If you are going to have your hair stylist color and cut your hair, it would be advisable to have him/her look at the donor area before cutting so that your hair will be left long enough to cover the donor scar and any hair that was trimmed slightly above or below.

  8. Right now, if you don't want to have grey hair, the only thing you can do is to dye it. It is often best to pick a lighter shade as there will be less contrast with your scalp and with your grey roots and you won't have to dye your hair as often.


    If your original colour is very dark it can be harder to keep your dyed hair looking natural because the roots grow 1/2 inch per month and can look see-through beside dark dyed hair.


    If you dye your grey hair dark you will need to touch up your roots between complete colouring treatments.

  9. This man had 3591 FUG’s transplanted to his frontal area in one session. He had a NW6 thinning pattern with a low widow’s peak. His hair was black and straight.


    We transplanted a mature hairline that would allow for ageing and possible future hair loss. He has available donor hair to transplant further back if he loses more hair in the future. He had miniaturized hairs in his natural hairline and widow’s peak. For now his transplanted hairline blends in behind his natural hairline but later the transplanted hairline will likely take over.


    Dr. Simmons performed a routine 2-layer trichophytic closure. His scar is barely visible.


    He may experience some additional growth over the next few months. We will see him again in approximately 3 months time to assess his final result.


    At 9 months post-op, he is experiencing good growth and is very happy.






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