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Posts posted by monkey

  1. Slightly off topic, but related.


    I took a DHT test after I quit Fin (it was part of a test of all things due to my sides) - of course I don't know what the level was whilst on it, but 3 months after I quit it, my level was 3.36nmol/L (with the range being 0.32-1.64!!!)


    It took over a year before the levels got back down to 1.25....

  2. can someone please enlighten me why someone would want to bleach their hair? there is probably an obvious answer, I cannot come up with one.


    I apologize for my ignorance.

    I like making my hair blue, like this:




    But to get the best result, you need to bleach your hair first (so it's super light) - then apply the blue.


    If you don't do this, it will 1) not go so vivid and 2) wash out really quickly.


    At the moment I am using something like this:




    But it only lasts one day, thus is getting quite expensive :)

  3. The short answer VIAGRA!

    Which won't help your libido at all....


    It's a tough call really, as you read sites that say things will get worse before they get better - which is what made me keep going with it, but after a while I realised that wasnt' going to work.


    I'd say try it for a month, but if it's starting to give you negatives, then that is the time to stop.

  4. I've had a search through the forum, but the old posts I could find are super old - so wondering if anyone learnt anything new yet.


    7 months out of an HT, am I safe to go for a full bleach / coloring yet?


    I like to dye my hair blue - but the spray is costing a fortune, lol, so I want to just do it with a permanent, which would mean a bleach first.


    Any ideas?

  5. personaly in my opinion unless you have a partner then being a slap head will effect you pulling power any way so!


    i would try finest minox HT and sex all at the same time ahahahah:D

    I used to think like that .... until I tried fin.


    Believe me, no matter how bad you feel single - you feel a million times worse unable to even think erotic thoughts about a girl....


    In the end, I've decided to play the life wheel of fortune, in that I hope that by the time my current hair falls out either:


    1) They will have found a cure, or

    2) I'll be married (of course, it will still suck to lose hair, but at least I won't then also be worrying about "will I find a partner")

  6. in thailand you get screwed big time for using credit or debit cards and for withdrawing money from atms.....



    Don't withdraw from ATMs as there is a 150 baht fee. Go inside a branch and do an over the counter withdrawal (simply give them your debit card) - there is no fee for this and you can get out 20,000 instead of (for UK nationwide at least) around 13,500 (?300)




    Yes, I do remember your response in this regard and I did do direct depositing for confirming HT date. Forex I got was terribly low.


    Never send in Thai Baht - always send in your countries currency and allow the conversion to happen Thai side. The rates are much much better.


    Alternatively, bring cash and take it to Super Rich near Central World to get an even better rate (though the convenience of a wire transfer might make that more simple!)

  7. Miniturization analysis is when your current hair is examined at close range (or on a computer) to see what stage of hair loss it is in.


    As you know, as we get older, our hair sheds - coming back a bit thinner each time (in an area susceptible to DHT) - eventually not coming back at all. Hairs at an advanced stage (ie already very thin) can be hit badly by shockloss, and as they were on the way out almost already, might not grow back.


    Really sorry to hear that man :(

  8. Do a wire transfer from your home bank direct to Dr Paths, BUT MAKE SURE YOU SEND IN YOUR HOME CURRENCY - DO NOT SEND IN BAHT.


    The reason for this is Thailand works on dual exchange rates. The onshore rate - and the offshore rate. If you convert before you send (ie get your back to send X baht), you will be converted at the offshore rate, which is significantly lower.


    If you send in your own currency (for example US$) - then the money will be converted at the Thai end, and thus you will get the onshore rates.


    Also, when it asks "which end do you wish to pay the fees" - choose Thailand, unless your bank is particularly cheap - as the fee is only 50baht here :)

  9. I guess I should really be writing this in my blog, but as the thread is here....


    In the name of sanity (or perhaps INsanity) - I decided today to go and retrace my steps and time exactly how long everything took , lol, a little crazy I know, but I was there anyway, so it wasn't so big a deal :)


    It went like this:


    From shade to sun to shade > 5 minutes

    15 minute rest

    From shade to sun to shade > 3 minutes

    5-10 minute rest

    From shade to sun to shade > 2 minutes

    20 minute rest

    From shade to sun to shade > 3-5 minutes


    For some reason I thought it was a lot more, but it seems my mind was playing tricks on me. So overall, never more than 5 minutes in the sun - I guess I am worrying over nothing ....

  10. Not yet - I'm waiting for the preshots so I can do the blog properly. I did mail a few days ago, so I'll give it a bit longer. If not, I'll just pop in and get them put on my memory stick :)


    At the moment, not much to report - but hopefully in a month or so.


    I haven't seen the scar at all (ever!) - but my first one took much longer to get looking like yours!

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