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Everything posted by max1010

  1. Hi For the people who were able to hide your HT from co workers, was work done in the front and how much? I think having like 1000 or more grafts would be pretty difficult to hide in just 2 weeks. I'm and engineer and work in a place where it would be impossible to wear a hat. Are you serious, people were able to hide their HT and just after 2 weeks? I was thinking much longer. Max
  2. GHI, Thanks. You're right you can barely see anything (if anything) at 3 months. Thanks again
  3. Thanks GHI, One more question... Do you have any pictures of the donor area? Did it grow in unnoticeable? Thanks again
  4. Hi, It looks good. I have a very similar situation of the temples and fine hairs. What size grafts were used 1's, 2's and 3's? do you have a breakdown? Thanks
  5. Hey Bill, I checked out your photos. They look great. I have a couple questions. Going to Canada, who removed your staples? Did you hang around there all that time? My story; I'm also looking for a good Dr. I think I'll be going to NY for this. I'm from Boston. I have had a procedure done like almost 8 yrs ago. I had 500 grafts in the front. In this time my hair loss has continued. And I don't think it was the best work done. I look in the mirror and i can notice the grafts. They seem to be 4 hair grafts with very little 1 and 2's. I have a list of doctors I want to visit. Dr Feller, Dr bernstien and Dr true. They seem to get good praise on this site. Thanks -Tom
  6. Hi, I'm new here too. The more I read the best choice is to go to NY. Does anybody know a good DR near Boston? Has anybody heard of DR leonard?
  7. Hi, i'm new to this forum. Who is a good DR near Boston. The more I read, the best all reside in NY. Has anybody gone to DR leonard? Thanks
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