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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Bob at Gianni in Greenwich, Conn at 203-869-7222 Isiah Schuler Main Street Watertown, CT 06795 Phone: 860-945-0080 Marylou Hare 542 Novascotia Hill Rd. Watertown, CT 06795 Phone: 860.274.8780 Email: harehairpin@aol.com
  2. Cool, man. I`d like to someday maybe try it, like when I hit lotto or something. I mean, I`d have nothing to lose at this point if it didnt work out. I can just put the wig back on and say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. LOL- could you see me walking out after the surgery, looking at my head as I pass by a window, shrug my shoulders, yank a good old wig out of my back pocket and strap it on literally as I go across the street to bar? It`d be awesome
  3. How much a HT these days? I went in and talked to a surgeon about twelve years ago, and he was going to do a scalp reduction and then transplants. From what I understand, scalp reductions arent done very much anymore, I heard they are a problem.
  4. Yes people will wear them whether I make a video or not. Some people wonder how on earth a guy could go about doing this and the answer is when you want hair, you have a tendancy to have an open mind about things. When I went for my first rug, they didnt tell me it would be a rug. They told me it would be this and that, all blended and integrated with my own, etc. When I went back and they brought it out and put it on, I just sat there thinking yup, this was bullshit. I didnt like it and I told her to take it off. This lady put a real obvious rug on me, had my hairline like a half inch from my eyebrows. Sheesh now that I think about it, I think what a dumb and unskilled idiot she was. Theres more to the story but I`ll spare it for now.
  5. Yes I use the word rug and wig all the time. Thats what it is, and the hair replacement establishments out there dont try and sell it like that, they call it a system and try to steer people away from the fact that when you sign the purchase agrrement and come back for your "application" by a "technician" in 8 weeks, all they`re going to do is superglue a rug to your scalp. Thats what they did to me and countless others whom are now my friends. As far as drugs and topicals I tried them before I ever tried "systems" and it didnt work at all, not even one hair. What are the percentages, really, of people who have success with it? People get angry when a product doenst do what it`s intended to do. It isnt right that someone can put a product on the market that "may or may not work for you, but we still get your money regardless." I talk to people all the time who`ve had the same results as me. So I got sort of miffed when alot of others have the same experience so I put my dissappointment in my video. (and they cheered me on!) Trust me when I tell you, my video doesnt have the impact on people shopping for hairloss that the deeply offended believe it does. Trust me, I`ve shipped dozens of DVD copies of that video all over the world (for free) before the download was available, and most of the people I gave them to wrote to me and said great video, but I think I`m going to try this or that before deciding on a rug. Others said thank you very much, I came very close to joining this or that hair studio for 5-6 grand a year but now I know if I want a toupee I can get one myself and strap it on at home.
  6. Go to this link- http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JNLWCF0Z and in the upper right hand corner you will see "download" it might be covered up by a pop-up ad so you`ll need to close that first. Anyhow, you will see 3 letters that say please enter (the letters) here. Enter the letters you see into the box then click download. You should see a timer that counts to 45 seconds, then your default media player will start to play the video.
  7. I dont need to do a search, there is just as much negative to be found in a search as there is positive about many of the hairloss solutions out there, and especially the ones that I point out in my video. We could go back and forth, back and forth for hours about that, but I`ll put an end to any arguement about it by asking you this: How prevalent are you in the hairloss world? I personally know literally hundreds of people from countries all across the world whom I have regular contact with regarding hairloss, all of whom have shared their stories with me. There are alot of similarities in these peoples complaints about their experiences with hairloss drugs, doctors and hair replacment centers. And you know how many, maybe a few dozen people from posting in forums? Come on man, you aint made it around the block even once yet. I have hundreds of people talking to me about this stuff, so I know what I`m talking about. I think people need to see the negatives that arent normally discussed during consultations. Oh yes, I know theres good surgeons out there, hell theres even good honest hair replacement centers that charge a reasonable price (like 3 of them) but theres plenty of bad too. Dont take the video too seriously, it wasnt meant to offend anyone who likes their drugs or transplants, it wasnt meant to tell people that they need to get a rug instead of drugs or plugs. It was meant to show my "personal opinion" of those solutions for my "own situation" and "my" attitude that it dont work for "me," while at the same time steer people away from clubs and salons. Especially that part.
  8. "I had some time to waste, so downloaded this guy's http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions/viewtopic.php?t...hlight=michiganbaldy video; he claims to be, and is held as an expert on wigs. Supposedly he makes good ones, but I can spot it from a 3/4th of a mile away. And this is strictly based on detectability alone, not maintaining it, cost, risk of being exposed, problems with women, etc." John, I dont make wigs. All I do is make videos, thats it. My message, and the purpose of my videos, are to explain to people and show them first hand what they will be getting themselves into if they want to go to a hair replacement center, club, salon or whatever so that people can see for themselves what it really is (a rug) I do wear one myself and have made this work for me, I`ve never meant to promote this as something that is the end all solution for hairloss. In fact, it is my intent only to provide for people the following: If you want to go the hairsystem/wig/rug/ route, you can buy a hairpiece online for a fraction of the cost what charge you at the centers, and do the maintenance yourself. It does not take a "professional" to superglue a wig to your head and trim the hairs off and get it to look good, and thats a fact. I had made that free video to show people what its like and if you pay attention tto what I say in it you`ll see that all I`m trying to do is provide the truth, thats it.
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