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adolescent686's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. yeah im thinking of getting on the rogaine cuz i can just buy that at a store. Im a little emberrased to bring up the topic with my parents about propecia and a possible hair transplant.
  2. i'm significantly balding. I've had a receeding hairline for a while but now i've just noticed that the crown is fading too. Almost as bald as my dad. Frown pretty devistating. Looking at the norwood chard i'd say im at a class 4 or 5. Please help me or reccomend anything.
  3. i'm significantly balding. I've had a receeding hairline for a while but now i've just noticed that the crown is fading too. Almost as bald as my dad. Frown pretty devistating. Looking at the norwood chard i'd say im at a class 4 or 5. Please help me or reccomend anything.
  4. i'm significantly balding. I've had a receeding hairline for a while but now i've just noticed that the crown is fading too. Almost as bald as my dad. pretty devistating. Looking at the norwood chard i'd say im at a class 4 or 5. Please help me or reccomend anything.
  5. i'm significantly balding. I've had a receeding hairline for a while but now i've just noticed that the crown is fading too. Almost as bald as my dad. pretty devistating. Looking at the norwood chard i'd say im at a class 4 or 5. Please help me or reccomend anything.
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